THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - Part 13: The Gates Foundation – Getting richer and richer and

1 year ago

THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - Part 13: The Gates Foundation – Getting richer and richer and

First published at 03:55 UTC on May 20th, 2021.
#fallcabal #bmgf #billionair


Bill Gates uses laws and regulations to avoid tax. His foundation launders money at a scale the world has not seen before. How is it possible that he presents himself as the world’s greatest philanthropist, giving away billions of dollars each year, yet ending up getting richer and richer and richer? Did you know that in the end, it’s We-The-Taxpayers, that pay for all his projects? Do you realise that in fact we pay for our own depopulation?
Let’s see how Gates pulls it off, shall we?

By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

Music: Alexander Nakarada, Melody of my Dreams, Scott Buckley

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