Puppy and Hen Friendships

1 year ago

The most important thing to remember when introducing chickens to your lovable family dog is that it’s all about the R word-relationship. A mutually respectful relationship between you and your dog is based on trust. A dog who trusts that you are in control and will take care of all of its needs will recognize and respect you as its master. One of the best ways to foster trust in your dog is to train him. All dogs can be trained. It’s just a matter of time, effort and passion- passion for moulding your dog into the best dog that he can possibly be and to be CONSISTENT! So, obedience training isn't just all about the work- it’s also about spending quality time with your dog. So teach your dog basic commands such as sit, down, stay, leave, and come. Having a well-trained dog blesses your family twofold-a nicely trained dog is easier to handle and a pleasure to take places and your dog, being a pack animal, will reap the reward of knowing his place within the family pack and will consequently feel more secure, confident, and trusting. Now that’s egg-actly the type of dog you want to introduce to your new chooks!

Step 2: Prepare Your Dog

Now, once you’ve established a strong Master Dog relationship and show him his place in the pack (family) and he has learned basic obedience, you’re ready for Step 2. Yay! Congratulate yourself. On to step two!

A great way to increase the likelihood that these introductions will go well is to prepare your dog-a happy, satiated, well-exercised dog will be so much more apt to greet his new feathery siblings with calm, gentlemanly manners. So, take your dog on a nice long jaunt, play a game of fetch, practice some tricks that you’re working on, or if he’s a water lover, let him romp in a nearby stream or lake. Whatever your dog’s favorite activity…enjoy this time together! Then, feed your dog as you normally would. In the wild, birds are natural prey to dogs, so ultimately, you want your dog to not be thinking about his rumbly tummy when introducing him to chickens. Now, let the introductions begin!

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