#130 Crowdsourcing

1 year ago

Definition:Crowdsourcing is a business model or approach that leverages the collective intelligence, skills, or resources of a large group of people (the "crowd") to achieve a specific goal or solve a particular problem. It involves outsourcing tasks, information, or ideas to a distributed network of individuals, often via the internet. Crowdsourcing can encompass various activities, from idea generation and content creation to data collection and problem-solving.
History:The concept of crowdsourcing has roots in collaborative and collective efforts, but it gained significant momentum with the advent of the internet. Here's a brief history:
Early Instances: The term "crowdsourcing" was coined by Jeff Howe and Mark Robinson in a 2006 article in Wired magazine. However, the practice itself had been evolving for years, with early examples including the Oxford English Dictionary, which solicited word definitions from volunteers in the late 19th century.
Open Source Software: The open-source software movement, dating back to the 1980s, can be considered a form of crowdsourcing. Developers worldwide collaborated to create and improve software without centralized control.
Wikipedia: Wikipedia, launched in 2001, became a prominent example of crowdsourced content. Anyone can edit and contribute to Wikipedia articles, resulting in a vast and continually evolving encyclopedia.
Citizen Science: Scientific research projects increasingly involve citizen scientists who volunteer their time and expertise to contribute data, observations, or analyses. Projects like SETI@home (searching for extraterrestrial intelligence) and eBird (bird observation) are notable examples.
Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo allow individuals and businesses to raise funds from a crowd of backers to finance creative projects, products, or ventures.
Idea Contests and Challenges: Organizations started hosting contests and challenges to tap into the collective creativity of the crowd. Examples include the Netflix Prize for improving movie recommendations and the XPRIZE for solving complex global challenges.

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