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Johannes 14:15-17:

MELCHIZEDEK (מַלְכִּי־צֶדֶק, malki-tsedeq). The king of Salem and priest of God Most High. Blesses Abram in Gen 14, referenced in Psa 110 in God’s promise to bless the Davidic king, and invoked in the letter to the Hebrews to affirm the priestly status of Christ.

Genesis 14:18–20, Psa 110:4, and Heb 5–7 mention Melchizedek, whose name means “righteous king” or “my king is righteousness.”

Scripture does not include details about Melchizedek’s background and identity; this has led to a wide range of speculation in Jewish writings from the Second Temple and early Christian eras.

Melchizedek in Judaism
Jewish tradition surrounding Melchizedek originates with two Old Testament passages and is developed further by a number of extrabiblical sources.

Old Testament

Genesis 14. Melchizedek first appears after Abram’s victory over Chedorlaomer (Gen 14:1–12).

The king of Sodom and Melchizedek, “king of Salem” and “priest of God Most High” (Gen 14:18 ESV), approaches the victorious patriarch. Melchizedek shows hospitality to Abram and pronounces a poetic blessing upon him. Abram responds by giving him a tenth of his spoils (Gen 14:18–20).

Genesis provides no additional details about the identity of Melchizedek and doesn’t explain how a Canaanite city-king came to be a priest of God Most High. Further, Melchizedek does not appear in any genealogy.

Melchizedek in Christianity
Christian tradition embraces Melchizedek and relates him to Jesus. Hebrews and the musings of the church fathers indicate that Christian developments emerged as an outgrowth of the biblical and extrabiblical sources. Understood as a precursor to Christ, the character became an example used to assist God’s people in relating to their Savior.

The New Testament
The first reference to Melchizedek in the New Testament is a quotation of Psa 110:4 found in Heb 5:6.

The writer quotes the passage to affirm that Christ was appointed as heavenly high priest: “And being made perfect, [Christ] became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him, being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchizedek” (Heb 5:9–10 ESV).

Hebrews 7, a commentary on the Old Testament appearances of Melchizedek, elaborates on this teaching.

Reflecting on Gen 14, the author gives the same etymologies for Melchizedek and Salem found in Philo, while pointing to the eternal scope of his priesthood (Heb 7:1–3).

The author argues that Melchizedek was superior to Abraham because the patriarch tithed to the priest-king; this supports the belief that “the inferior is blessed by the superior” (Heb 7:7 ESV).

The author then argues that the order of Melchizedek is superior to the Levitical priesthood, which counts Abraham as its ancestor (Heb 7:9–10).

Hebrews was written to Jewish Christians who likely faced criticism from fellow Jews. The author invokes Melchizedek in order to provide Christ with a priestly status rivaling that of the religious establishment. The author’s main interest with Melchizedek lies as “an agent of dissonance to unsettle the fixed structures of conceptions of priesthood”. While not messianic in his own right, Melchizedek serves as a prototype for Christ by establishing the eternal priesthood that the Son of God now possesses.

The letter was also pastoral, written to reaffirm the faith of Christians who had been ostracized because of their beliefs. The author uses the heavenly reality of Christ’s priesthood to bring security to a struggling community.

Melchizedek provides Christians with a template for understanding the heavenly priesthood of Christ. This challenges our attempts to substitute human mediators for the divine, revealing a high priest whose saving work cannot be confined to any one culture or bloodline.

Source: The Lexham Bible Dictionary

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