All 14 vaxx injury reports submitted by dr. Charles Hoffe were denied

1 year ago

When dr. Charles Hoffe contacted a government vaccine safety specialist to receive help with COVID jab injured patients of his, he was told that he should submit vaccine injury reports. After he submitted the first 6 reports, he was publicly smeared.

He wanted to send a letter to dr. Bonnie Henry (provincial health officer at the British Columbia Ministry of Health), but was advised that if he did this, it would end up in the shredder and produce no effect. If he wanted to achieve something, he should make it an open letter.

That is exactly what dr. Hoffe did. One month after this letter, the College of Physicians put out a letter to all doctors warning them that everyone who contradicted the public health narrative would be investigated, and if necessary, disciplined. Translation: WrongSpeak is strictly forbidden and will be punished.

Instead of protecting the public by investigating evidence of harm, the government disincentivized mentioning and reporting of harm and risk. Their actions speaks volumes. It’s not about public health, but about maximizing vaccine uptake.

That most doctors don’t speak up about vaccine risks is not because they are unaware of them, but because they know they’ll be punished for WrongSpeak: they don’t want to be investigated and/or be fired or lose their medical license. Their silence should definitely not be interpreted as everything being hunky-dory.

Dr. Hoffe ultimately submitted 14 vaccine injury reports, which were all denied as being merely coincidences. The government would phone up the injured to tell them that their injury had nothing to do with the jab and that they needed to get their next shot.

It’s near-impossible to report vaccine injuries in Canada, because the reports get censored by the Public Health department. The government is using the dearth of reports that pass censorship as proof that the COVID jab is safe.

Why are nearly all governments completely uninterested in all safety signals? Why are the COVID jabs still being marketed and even promoted or mandated despite the millions of global vaxx deaths and tens of millions of global severe vaxx injures? Because of severe conflicts of interest.

Government ‘health’ agencies rely on Big Pharma for the majority of their funding. If they perform their ostensible mandate, i.e. protect public health, they will antagonize Big Pharma and lose their funding (and cushy jobs in revolving door between government and industry).

“Whose bread I eat, whose song I sing.” “Who pays, decides.”


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