Premier jazz singer Angie Wells is my very special guest with her latest release “Truth Be Told” !

1 year ago

Premier jazz singer Angie Wells talks about her latest release “Truth Be Told” featuring a collection of original songs and covers speaking the truth of life featuring the title track, “There’s Always Time For Lovin’”, “Do I Move You”, “Nick of Time” and more! Angie began her singing career at an intimate supper clubs in Paris and performed at various jazz fests including MoZ’aique Festival, Festival Jazz Au Chateau, Telluride Jazz Festival, San Jose Summer Fest and performed with L.A.’s top jazz musicians including Christian Euman, Henry Franklin, Sam Hirsch, Jack LeCompte and more! Check out the latest from the amazing Angie Wells on all streaming platforms today! #angiewells #jazzsinger #losangelesjazz #truthbetold #paris #mozaiquefest #jazzauchateau #telluridejazzfestival #sanjosesummerfest #christianeuman #henryfranklin #samhirsch #jacklecompte #iheartradio
#spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagneranglewells #themikewagnershowangiewells

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