A Genetic Study into the Hemings Jefferson Myth

1 year ago

A genetic deep dive into the paternity of Sally Hemings' (approx. 1773 - 1835) son Eston Hemings (1808-1856) using the interesting Monte Carlo coincidental method for the conception periods of Hemings' six children. This research was performed by M. Andrew Holowchak, Ph.D. and published in the Abbeville Institute blog. Dr. Holowchak is a professor of philosophy and history, who taught at institutions such as University of Pittsburgh, University of Michigan, and Rutgers University, Camden. He is editor of Journal of Thomas Jefferson and His Time and author/editor of over nearly 60 books and over 200 published essays on topics such as ethics, ancient philosophy, science, psychoanalysis, and critical thinking. His current research is on Thomas Jefferson—he is acknowledged by many scholars to be the world’s foremost authority—and has published over 200 essays and 25 books on Jefferson. He also has numerous videos and a weekly series with Donna Vitak, titled “One Work, Five Questions,” on Jefferson on YouTube.


M. Andrew Holochak, "A “Proof” Gone Bad in the Jefferson Paternity Issue", The Abbeville Institute Blog, https://www.abbevilleinstitute.org/a-proof-gone-bad-in-the-jefferson-paternity-issue/

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