Ashur in the village - 16 Sept 2023

1 year ago

Ashur the 5yr old blue roan TWH gelding was ridden into the village of Onsted to gain experience - to see a LOT of new things - to meet new people - to get passed in both directions by a lot of cars and trucks. And to stop at the hardware store, stand tied to a sturdy light pole, while I went in to buy some Thank You cards. On the way home I shot a short "ride along on Ashur" video for you to enjoy. You can see he is very curious about stuff - we did NOT come down this street on the way into the village - so everything he is seeing is for the first time. Not upset about traffic and generally just curious about all the new sights and sounds. When we first started into the village he was a bit more hesitant - but he has come to see that all those new sights and sounds are not so scary and quite a few people loved on him by petting him - this helped increase his personal courage while also increasing his trust in his master.

Remember to intentionally, on purpose, learn of God each day by prayerfully reading, studying, and pondering upon God's word each day. Talk to God in prayer as your Heavenly Father who would like for you to be His friend. Find out what He would like you to do for Him as His friend and go and do it for Him as His friend. Yes very intentionally, very much on purpose, become the friend of God. And have a blessed day!!

Jack Griffes
Certified Farrier accepting new clients in my core area
Colt Starting Trainer - contact me to get your horse on my waiting list
Constitution Coach
Freedom is the cure - Learn, Love, Live the Principles of Liberty .

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