What are NFTs and why they are awesome - with Randi Zuckerberg

2 years ago

If you’re curious about all the excitement about NFTs and Web3.0 but aren’t sure what it’s all about, tune in!

Nataly talks with Randi Zuckerberg, an entrepreneur and awesome advocate for women in NFTs and Web3.0.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

- What are NFTs and why they are really interesting (and not just PDFs or random images that cost money!)
- Why you should learn about blockchain, NFTs and Web 3.0 even if you don’t ever buy an NFT
- Why Nataly is diving into the NFT space with her first art collection

And much more, including HUG, an amazing community Randi has founded to help women rock it out in the NFT space! (https://thehug.xyz/)

***Check out Nataly's NFT collection of Awesome Humans

***Learn more about HUG and how it can help you dive into the world of NFTs: https://thehug.xyz/***

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