Apostolic Roundtable September 22-23 Franklin TN @DutchSheets22 @ciministries @rivercitychurch8152

1 year ago

#dutchsheetsministries #dutchsheets #greghood #JimHodges #AlemuBeeftu #ScottReece #BobLong #kingdom #kingdomuniversity #awakening #revival #apostolic #america #propheticword #222 @Bishophamon #BillHamon

This apostolic roundtable will host Dutch Sheets, Greg Hood, Bishop Bill Hamon and others. We will discuss where the apostolic movements have been, where we are and where we must go to be the Ekklesia the world will need in the times ahead. We will discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of the apostolic movement. You won't want to miss this one-of-a-kind event. Register today.

Kingdom University
Class Schedule for September 22 & 23, 2023 Class: Apostolic Roundtable
Panelists: Dutch Sheets, Greg Hood, Bill Hamon, Jim Hodges, Alemu Beeftu, Scott Reece & Bob Long

FRIDAY, September 22, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Prayer and Communion 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM
SESSION One 6:45 pm - 7:30 pm Bishop Bill Hamon SESSION Two 7:35 pm - 8:20 pm Apostle Dutch Sheets SESSION Three 8:25 pm - 9:10 pm Apostle Greg Hood Closing of the Day 9:10 pm - 9:20 pm Keith Long

SATURDAY, September 23, 8:00am - 1:00pm
Opening of the Day 8:00am - 8:15am
SESSION Four 8:15am - 8:45am Dr. Alemu Beeftu SESSION Five 8:50am - 9:20am Dr. Jim Hodges Break - 20min to set up stage
SESSION Six Roundtable Discussion Part 1( 9:40am - 11:40pm (All Panelist) Break - 15min
SESSION Seven Roundtable Discussion Part 2 11:55am - 1:00pm (All Panelist)

The Apostolic Roundtable hosted by Kingdom U is dedicated to fostering a productive dialogue among participants concerning Kingdom advancement by activating and deploying a more fine-tuned apostolic company. Our objective is to delve into the history and current state of the apostolic movement and strategize ways to equip the Ekklesia for the future. Throughout the roundtable, we will examine both positive and negative aspects of the past and present, seeking revelation and wisdom from Holy Spirit regarding the future of the church and the nation.

Our aim is to develop practical short- and long-term approaches that will enable the Ekklesia to demonstrate genuine Kingdom power and fulfill its mission of aligning this nation and the world with the Kingdom of God.

In order to prevent any repeats of past pitfalls of the movement and to make progress with greater clarity, it is imperative that our discussions remain strictly relevant to the assigned topic.
Part two of the Roundtable Discussion will include a series of Q&As, which will be fielded by Dr. Greg Hood, president of Kingdom University.

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Check out our website: www.greghood.org
email: office@greghood.org

Please connect with us on these social media sights to stay informed and connected to what God is doing at and through GHM.
Greg's TRUTH SOCIAL: @drgreghood
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Greg’s YouTube: Greg Hood Ministries

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