DISNEY PRIDE - We've Been TARGETING your K*ds (4K)

1 year ago

Patterns. Patterns are the only things humans can not hide from. It reveals all.
This past Pride month was rather controversial for pushing the envelope.

Multiple corporations exploited this and the public responded to the societal hardline, k*ds. But one company has been notorious for targeting kids, but why? Why the hidden "adult themed" messaging in its films, why the current "adult theme" messaging in its films?

The House of Mouse has been rather busy since the start of the Cinema and the history of its intent. From racial propaganda, to hidden messaging that is clearly not an "oops".

We see the LGB movement has been co-op'ed into an "Oppression Olympics". Even your slogan that was once GLAD, was turned into PRIDE.

For Christ*ans, Pride is sin, so the name in itself is intentional (but by whom, and why?). Evil is Un-surrendered will - PRIDE. To not see past yourself. It refuses to give one self up for a higher purpose that does not serve themselves. They consider themselves “their god”, the “my truth”, selfishness instead of selflessness that does better for the common+unity, over yourself.

Love is understanding outside yourself and you can not have love, if you operate on "Pride".

World governments, bankers who fund corporations such as Disney, philanthropist (B*ll Gates, don't forget Epst*en) & NGO's have purposely organised to keep multiple subgroups fighting, which they get to play "God". Hard reality, is that you cannot force "interest" and the social engineering they once welded with impunity is gone. The illusion of "the star" in entertainment is also gone, due to social media. There best hope is citing "Disinformation", Misinformation" in an attempt to regain power but its too late bc great minds will circumvent that.

We apologise to the LGBTQ for unknowingly, looped into, forced onto a deviant road that for the European elite, led to children. And society needs to be privy of that, hence this episode.

No one is above critique, so Today we examine who may be behind the scenes and pulling the strings.


0:00 - Intro (Patterns of Deception)

15:41 - Welcome & Todays Topic

20:35 - Token handouts & Exploitation

26:07 - Blackrock owns Disney

32:33 - Pride for a Month?

34:30 - Why African American History Month?

38:07 - How academia targets your kids

54:56 - Cuties vs. The Sound of Freedom

1:03:06 - BBC Presenters & Politicians involved in Grooming

1:17:19 - Gender Identity & New Zealander John Money

1:29:48 - Gen-Z does not understand patterns & history

1:55:20 - Apology to the LGBTQ (GLAD) Community

2:02:13 - Outro

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