Thomas Frank on Automating and Managing Finances | The Renaissaint

1 year ago

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In this insightful YouTube video, join us as we dive deep into the world of personal finance with three incredible experts: Thomas Frank, Nischa, and Rose Han. Discover how to automate and manage your finances, prioritise saving, and resist the pressure to keep up with your friends' spending habits.

💰 Thomas Frank on Financial Automation
Thomas Frank, the productivity and personal development guru, shares his expert insights on automating your finances for a stress-free financial journey. Learn how to set up systems that work for you, so you can spend less time worrying about money and more time enjoying life, whilst simultaneously ensuring you check up on your due dates.

💵 Nischa's 10% Savings Rule
Nischa, a financial wizard and accountant, emphasises the importance of saving 10% of your salary. She breaks down the why and how of this golden rule, providing actionable steps to help you build a solid financial foundation and achieve your long-term goals.

💸 Rose Han on Resisting Peer Pressure
Rose Han, a lifestyle influencer and finance enthusiast, discusses the temptation to keep up with your friends' spending habits. She shares her personal experiences and offers practical advice on how to stay true to your financial goals without feeling left out.

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