side show José Jaime Maussan Flota grave robbed Cusco Peru kids for 1000 year old diatom mine mummy

1 year ago

after 2015 HE offered $10,000 for location information to dig up a dead 2 year-old Puebloan
boy that was repatriated to a local tribe in 2015 after it had been held by a National Park
museum since 1938 after it had been removed from Mesa Verde cliff dwellings in 1894

for a June Be Witness event 2015 & movie 2017 he reused 5 Peru 1947 elongated
skull crouched mummified human kids bodies that were "missing" 4 fingers & 4 toes

2023 he paraded before Congress of the Union 2 "non" mummified bodies he said the University National Autonomous Mexico UNAM told him had 1/3 of their DNA as of unknown origin
UNAM said they only had done a May 2017 Carbon 14 dating .5 grams of material
at their LEMA labs & under no circumstances did they draw conclusions about the
origin of these samples & any information implying LEMA labs or UNAM's involvement
beyond Carbon 14 dating is "invalid" & they never endorsed his claims

side showing Peru human child's bodies as UFO mummies 7 times
makes José Jaime Maussan Flota a monster! with 171,000 pesos & astrophysicist
vs hoaxer vs hoaxer's AKA

= other citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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