Updated Sabbath & Yom Tov Mode Trick for Sharp Refrigerator Model # Sj-8595

1 year ago

We are happy to share with you all the fridge didge Shabbat trick! Disabling lights for a Sharp fridge for 36 or 54 hours was a gift from a neighbour and isn't in our instructions or online! Now it is. Some asked why? In keeping the Sabbath & Yomim Tovim from Friday Sunset to Saturday a little after Sunset, Jewish people have a technological Sabbath and more. We are not allowed to kindle fire (turn on lights) on the Sabbath... Every time the refrigerator door opens up, the light goes on, as it is like turning on the light switch every time. Thanks to my soul mate for waiting so long for this blessing, presentation, and fridge gift!



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Thank you all for connecting - Eli Goldsmith from Jerusalem now Efrat...

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