How To Create A Landing Page like a pro John Crestani Afilliate Marketing

1 year ago

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What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing strategy that involves you (the Affiliate) actively promoting and connecting business' product, service, or sites to customers.
You, as the successful affiliate, are rewarded a commission when a sale has been transacted with each and every time
Advantages of Affiliate Marketing
Easy Setup - An affiliate needs to:
Sign-up with an affiliate program
Pick a product
Paste your tracking code to your website
Wait until a customer makes a purchase of the product
You earn commissions with each sale whenever a user make a purchase on your site.
Low Overhead - As an affiliate marketer, your primary responsibility is to connect customers to the product you have selected.
You do not carry inventory.
You do not have to facilitate customer service.
You do not deal with tracking or shipping.
The merchant will take care of the rest.
Anywhere, Anytime - With a computer and internet access, you can work anywhere in the world in any timezone.
Passive Income - Once everything is set up, with the right strategy and action plan (which is why you're here, right?), you'll be generating income while you're sleeping.

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