'Sandy Hook's Hollywood Hypocrites and Liars - Demand TRUTH!' - 2012

1 year ago

Published on Dec 29, 2012
By Awakened2Truth

"This part of the conspiracy has to do with alphabet agency groups, innocent blood spilled for ritual sacrifice to appease the spirits of satanist hub Connecticut (PROVEN and FACT), mixed with at the same time, an undercover move by the United Nations to remove the guns from the people who are actually responsible with such a weapon, which Obama is proudly at the helm of as a triple agent, trying to avoid attention for his treason in Benghazi (Tripoli really), PEOPLE WE ARE IN MODERN DAY FALL OF ROME!

Idols, like celebrities, only lead you to death. They are sweet, tasty, and we like robots, imitate them, thinking we are them when we are not.. but simply a revenue cow for them, at our own expense regarding eternality.

Yes you are right, it's a conspiracy not theory, it always is, nothing is ever as what it seems, there is always a true story behind the false story that is behind the mainline story, and then when you get there, the rest are copycats, who is the master copycat?

God allows us to maintain self-defense weapons only for the purpose to protect ones family and self when a gov't that God appointed, has went rogue and has become corrupt and has literally become a dictatorship. We are to protect the fatherless, the innocent, the sick, and those who can't fend for themselves, it's the inherent law God wove into our very body, spirit and soul, which is to protect, it's our God given nature, to protect our wife and family.

If every teacher in every school had a gun to protect the class, that seriously changes any situation with a criminal wanting to come into a school, to shoot innocent people up. When they know that every teacher is armed, it's quite a different story.

This is why you don't get rid of guns, you train every citizen working in a school or area how to use one, where many lives could be taken and thus, now you have these people with security arms that can change the situation instantly if there were to be another attack on a school, mall etc.

Hollywood doesn't care about you, it's the land of magic, since HOLLY is the best wood to use for "magic wands" used by real witches, and thus you have HOLLY (Magic) - WOOD. Their main goal is to take control of your very mind by infrasonic spiritual craft, it exists, just of course it's not told to you, how else could they fool you and change your views without you even knowing it?

Stop feeding the devil's machine.

If you are on the wrong side, it's for keeps."

If you appreciate the things I find then might I consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain https://vestige.fi/asset/1156612691
Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)

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