Spiritual Descent: Hekhalot and Ancient Jewish Mysticism

1 year ago

Hekhalot Jewish mysticism, also known as Hekhalot and Merkavah mysticism, is a unique and esoteric branch of Jewish mysticism that emerged during the late antiquity period. It revolves around the exploration of the heavenly realms, divine visions, and mystical experiences through contemplation and meditation on the celestial palaces or "hekalot" and the divine chariot or "merkavah." Practitioners seek to attain a profound understanding of the divine mysteries and engage in spiritual ascents to the presence of God. Hekhalot mysticism places a strong emphasis on ethical and spiritual preparation, as well as encounters with angelic beings who guide and protect the mystic on their journey to the divine throne. This mystical tradition has had a lasting impact on the development of Jewish mysticism, particularly in the realm of Kabbalah, and continues to captivate those who seek profound spiritual insights and experiences within the Jewish mystical tradition.

I resonate with this subject as it gives rise tot he dual nature of descent as well as ascent. Today, I don't see many people taking about this. The emphasis is on spiritual ascension and the raise of consciousness. The descent offer's profound holistic wisdom when coupled with the "leveling up" process.

For an in-depth description check out Dr. Justin Sledge's work on his channel, Esoterica.

Check out some of my work and musings:

Contributing to a holistic honest paradigm.
I am no afraid of being honest, brave and deeply myself.
I also am not afraid of the dark or the light.

I am really into the relationship dynamic of including the subjective into the objective and the dance between hemispheres and the heart amongst the field of potential.
Under the one natural law of God.

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