Paste or Glue for Paper Mache: Which One's Best for Your Next Project?

1 year ago

Lately, I've been using both cooked flour and water paste and Titebond III wood glue for traditional paper mache. But which one is best for your next project?

🦁 If you'd like to see the patterns for the masks and sculptures behind me in the video, you can find them (and many more) here:

Also, visit my latest blog post:
Do you have a favorite paper mache paste recipe? Let us know in the comments below. 😊

Links mentioned in the video (if I forget one, please let me know):
Cooked flour and water paste recipe:
Using wood Glue for theater masks:
5 Easy Tips for Smooth Paper Strips and Paste:
Using Joint Compound to Make Paper Mache Smooth:

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