9/19/23 The Lying Game "All the President’s Men" part 2 S3E7p2

1 year ago

“The Lying Game”
Rarely in life are we fortunate enough to know ahead of time when we’re being lied to and taken advantage of. Is it so rare that we would choose to ignore it even if we do become aware of someone’s lies? Perhaps the trust, most profound words ever uttered in cinema are found in 1999’s American Beauty: “Never underestimate the power of denial.” ESPECIALLY don’t underestimate it when all of corporate media is working as a monolithic bloc to reinforce your denial! Today on Something’s Happening Here, we broadcast something that really should be shouted from the rooftops by all journalists everywhere, but instead is not. What do you do when they tell you they’re lying, but you don’t want to believe it? That and more coming up on today’s show, called “The Lying Game.”

"All the President’s Men" Part 2: 9/19/23
All this week, Something’s Happening Here looks at the recent impeachment inquiry opened against president Joe Biden to determine the lessons God wants us to learn from it.

Season 3 Episode 7
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#somethingshappeninghere, #joebiden, #donaldtrump, #biden, #trump, #impeachment, #impeachmentinquiry, #kevinmccarthy, #gop, #republicans, #houserepublicans, #lies, #media, #firstamendment

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