Trump and the Messianic Cult

1 year ago
Chabad Lubavitch Hasidic Messianic Zionist Extremists originated in Russia.
When you first hear of them you say what? Then when you look into them you see them as forcefully creating biblical prophecy to bring the Messiah to reign in Israel over the world.
Their power over world government is astounding, this is the real Mafia, forget about the Italian mob, they were a useful distraction.
Chabad bailed out Trump and he owed them considerably. Trump's son in-law is considered by most in this cult to be the Messiah. Biden (all presidents since LBJ) are just as controlled by these Zionist powers.
Trump may well be back as president, this is all a show. Exiting the TPP, creating energy independence, "Wild" protests near the Capitol, creating of Patriot Act 2 etc, all planned,all a show for the final act.

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