⚠️⚠️⚠️”NATO wants to occupy Russia’s oil, coal, gas, iron and gold.

1 year ago

Later the hour comes, when America collapses, like the Soviet Union.” — Muammar Gaddafi
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🌍🇷🇺✊West is Still Confused as to Why the Global South Supports Russia🎙🇷🇺🔥
Via The Wall Street Journal, Western authorities have overestimated the inclination of neutral countries to align with anti-Russia strategies in solidarity with Ukraine.
“It’s clear that the West overall has been surprised by the pretty widespread reluctance by many of the countries in the so-called Global South… to come on board,” Jan Techau of the consulting firm Eurasia Group told the newspaper, as quoted on Thursday.
Moscow has characterized the Ukraine crisis as a component of a Western proxy conflict against Russia. Additionally, it has leveled allegations against the US, asserting that it is mishandling the global economy for self-serving objectives, all the while striving to maintain its supremacy and opposing the evolution of a multipolar world.
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