Virgo New Moon Sep 14 ’23 #highvibe #astrology #virgo #newmoon

1 year ago
81 This Virgo New Moon is positively supported by, and connected to, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. The opposition from Neptune, which is retrograde with 7 other planets, including Mercury, ancient ruler of this new moon, and Chiron, the modern ruler of it, has us revisiting a previous issue regarding our health and body/mind/soul connection. The nodes also tell the story of how and where we self-sabotaged the last time, and ask us to make the course correction the next time this health matter surfaces. Chiron conjunct the Aries NN is strongly advising us to hold the space for our independence, especially where health matters and spiritual guidance are concerned.

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Affirmations and Harmonies: 12:14

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Sun/Moon/Mercury for Virgo New Moon:
The body holds ancient wisdom that is intangible, yet speaks to my physical senses in very tangible ways. I am learning to trust the wisdom my body speaks to me.

Sun/Moon/Neptune for opposition:
I now fully trust the Universe as I feel a strong, visceral response in my physical body that reflects my own soul’s wisdom.

Sun/Moon/Uranus for the trine:
I now receive great miracles of change and liberation that restore optimal health to my body/mind/heart/soul.

Sun/Moon/Pluto for the trine:
Regenerative forces now alchemize all illness and disease into supreme health, wellness, and harmonious union of body/mind/heart and soul.

Mars/Chiron/Venus to harmonize the Nodal Axis:
My courageous heart is a portal of infinite awareness and miraculous solutions that balance and harmonize past and present, spirit and body, and self with others in a way that honors all life.

Jupiter/Uranus conjunction:
Universal awareness dawns upon the collective consciousness in ways that free humanity and stabilize our path forward as one human family in harmony with the Earth.

Saturn/Mercury for the opposition:
I reclaim my authority over my own mind, thoughts, and behaviors in ways that support my complete healing as well as those around me.

Venus/Jupiter square:
Great abundance is available now, and manifests quickly, as we let go of the “how”, stay focused on our heart’s true desires, and courageously give expression to our worthiness as human souls in a physical body.

Saturn/Sedna square:
We now have immediate access to ancient wisdom and soul gifts that assist us in the process of becoming masterful stewards for, and on, this new harmonious Earth.

Sedna/Pluto trine:
Powerful upgrades now flood the earth with ancient healing wisdom, upgrades in soul consciousness, and universal love that manifests our collective divine inheritance for the good of all.

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