Perfect Dark Perfect Agent Playthrough (Actual N64 Capture) - Pelagic II Exploration

1 year ago

This is part 13 of my capture of me playing through the solo missions of Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64. This is not an emulator. This footage was captured directly from my Nintendo 64 using an actual Perfect Dark cartridge. I'm playing on Perfect Agent difficulty.

This is another one of my favorite missions from when I first played this game back in 2000. I just loved running through the guard-filled corridors and mowing everyone down.

There is one secret gun in this mission, and it's the double Falcon 2. If you kill the clearly visible guard just past the fifth door without setting off the alarm, he'll drop the weapons. The guards can't see you through the glass windows on the doors, so it's best to take advantage of those and go for headshots whenever possible.

Also, if you headshot a guard through a window, don't worry about another guard seeing it. Nearby guards will simply run over in a confused state and then say a random hilarious line (my favorites are "Meh, never liked him anyway" and "Are you OK?" Both are featured in this video because I'm awesome like that.). You'll have plenty of time to headshot inquisitive guards as they stare in bewilderment at fallen comrades (or people they never liked anyway).

Don't forget that you have N-bombs in your inventory. These are great for killing and/or disarming guards who are perched near stairwells.

Early on I cleared out the first few rooms on the path to the exit so I'd have an easier time later. While you can clear the entire path to make it easy once you rendezvous with Elvis, I prefer to watch and laugh as he shoots guards and spouts random insults. Plus, he can take a decent amount of damage, and his little alien ass deserves to pull his load after leaving me to do all the work while he "secured" the perimeter in the beginning.

Oh, and the guard in the opening cutscene is none other than Shigeru Miyamoto. The Rare staff scanned their faces and put themselves in the game, and Miyamoto was included as well. I use his face for my Combat Simulator profile.

Perfect Dark was originally supposed to feature a face scan mode with the Game Boy Camera and N64 Transfer Pak, which would allow you to put your face in the game, but that feature was never included. Hmmm... I wonder why? Surely no one would have created Combat Simulator setups with tons of "DickSims" running around....

Recorded with the Hauppauge HD PVR and the official N64 S-video cable with native widescreen mode enabled. I used a Toshiba model D-R550 DVD Recorder to upconvert the N64's native 240p signal to 480i so that the Hauppauge could capture the console's audio/video signal.

I'm using a standard N64 controller.

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