Earthing - Being connected to the ground brings healing

1 year ago

Benefits of Grounding Yourself to Earth's Surface Are REMARKABLE

Grounding is the most profound health hack I have ever found. It's a powerful way to utilize the earth to heal your body, and it has been proven to decrease inflammation, promote deeper sleep, decrease blood pressure, lift your mood, and ease anxiety. It's pretty amazing! And it's completely free. :)

Jesus is Coming Soon:

Do you want to go to heaven?

The only way is through Jesus.
Pray to God and repeat the following with all your heart:
I repent from all my sins and
I believe that the Blood of Jesus cleanses me from all my sins
I believe that Jesus is the Son of God
I believe God raised him from the dead
and now I give my heart to Jesus Christ so he can be my Lord and Savior.

Romans 10:8-11

If you prayed that prayer you are now a son/daughter of God.
Welcome to Kingdom of God

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