If you lack patience you lack results

5 years ago

What’s the MAGIC ingredient to success: PATIENCE💎

They say patience is a virtue but hardly anyone understands it. How can we? When we see peers and success stories on our timelines and newsfeeds all day? You start asking yourself why not me? You start day dreaming and even getting jealous. It’s normal but it’s something to be very careful and aware of.

#SlowAndSteady, #AlwaysWinsTheRace, #JoshYork, #Keynote

You may think going viral or growing extremely fast is great but have you ever heard of “drowning in opportunity?” Did you know most lottery winners go BROKE very fast! How do you even get prepared for opening up into this new world? It’s hard, I know.

But it happens quite a lot! When you grow too fast you have to develop new skill sets and you start running into situations you are may not ready for! You get numb to the opportunities and start making less meticulous & well thought out decisions. Think about it.

Do you really want 1 million followers tomorrow? Are you really ready to be a CEO over 20+ employees and be responsible for families and children lives?

Patience isn’t just a word to know. It’s a practice to LIVE by.

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