Growth Measures

5 years ago

How do you constantly achieve BIG goals? Ever heard of the quote...Shoot for the Moon! Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars?🌟

That’s what shooting for success is like, over and over and over again until you just stop! Almost no one actually reaches their TRUE goals, if that was the case we’d all have the biggest brand and companies in the world! But you better believe that’s our internal goal! Will we? Maybe yes...maybe no.

But what I do know is we’ll get a lot further than the guy who never started...or the person that kind of tried but didn’t go ALL-IN...or the person that quit after 9 tries while we figured a hole in the market on the 10th!

That’s the game you’re playing with life as you pursue ANY goal. It could be in your business, in your career, in your non-profit or family. When you have big goals you TRULY believe you can accomplish, you go ALL IN (even if you’re scared or uncomfortable about it) You just know that wherever you land is a LOT further than where you started...🔑🔑🔑 #progress

Then you re-adjust. You analyze. You set a new standard, make another prediction than ATTACK it like you’re going to WIN it. Whether you hit your actual GOAL is not the importance, did you get better? Did you improve? That’s the measurement of success ...🎯


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