Microgreens - Grow Nutrient Packed Food, Cash Flow, & Income Streams in 7 Days | Donny Greens #23

1 year ago

Donny Greens is a microgreens farmer and top educator for the microgreens industry. He has grown his business to over $150,000/year and has taught thousands of others how to create a microgreens business from home using his simple and effective strategies

Microgreens: https://www.alexandercorey.com/microgreens

"Growing your own food is the most revolutionary act of rebellion against a system that purposefully disconnects us from Nature, exploits us, and compromises our future.” -DG

To start learning from Donny, check out his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/donnygreens,

or if you are ready to start learning how to grow, simply join Donny’s challenge at OneTrayAway.com.

In this episode Alex Corey and Don DiLilo chat about their love of growing, how a microgreens business is the easiest way to ensure year round food, the best way to get into the local farming community to to actually build community, and how to build a thriving microgreens business from scratch (including working with who you want)

More episodes: https://www.alexandercorey.com/podcast

#microgreens #farm #cashflow

Show notes:
00:01:10 Alex's Microgreen Biz: KC Gardens
00:02:20 How Donny Greens Found Microgreens
00:06:00 Start Wherever You Can
00:09:12 What are Microgreens?
00:14:51 From Parent's Basement to 6 Figures
00:20:45 The Gold is in Home Delivery
00:23:18 The Best Starter side hustle
00:24:47 Crop Specifics
00:28:55 The Fundamentals
00:31:37 Water for Microgreens
00:33:30 Always Learning from Mistakes
00:38:07 Donny's Future Experiments
00:40:56 Edible/Medical Flowers
00:43:40 Thriving Students
00:45:00 Giving and Receiving Value
00:47:20 The Draw to Starting an Abundant Food Business and learning Cycles
00:51:48 Kids and Microgreens
00:54:00 What are you waiting for??

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