God's Strength in Weakness with Sexuality and Tribulation: Guy Hammond Interview

1 year ago

I'm happy to present my interview with Guy Hammond, director of Strength in Weakness Ministries! Guy became a Christian and left homosexuality in 1987, and despite ongoing same-sex attraction has been living with faithfulness to God's standards. He shares his story and teaches churches about addressing LGBTQ even in the face of legal opposition in Canada.

#GuyHammond #StrengthinWeakness #homosexuality #ExGayVeterans #BillC4 #BillC16 #CanadianConversionTherapyBan

For more info:
Upcoming FREE webinar for pastors Sept. 25th: https://www.strengthinweakness.org/event-details/helping-your-church-navigate-the-lgbtq-maze

Other parts of this series:
Prologue to this series: https://youtu.be/jomWkn0kkvA
Joe Dallas interview: https://youtu.be/c5ks84kJz6U
Wynn Thompson interview: https://youtu.be/4Wdx8LkxBn8
Michael Newman interview: https://youtu.be/wVO8EDlKhiE
Garry Ingraham interview: https://youtu.be/2LtVqgsu7a0
Stephen Black: https://youtu.be/lq18UGGMbHs
Andrew Comiskey: https://youtu.be/xeLuFQNumv0
R. Duncan Heinly: https://youtu.be/iAdncbcSlmE
Dean Greer: https://youtu.be/MkMwOLW-kEA
Steve Goble: https://youtu.be/ah_EcWMzVVU
Daniel Mingo & Derek Paul: https://youtu.be/7_Kh4-78cI8

For more:
My presentation at the Transformation Ministries Alliance Conference on the 5 streams of views/approaches to LGBT in the church (for those interested in categories, Guy seems to be mostly in the mortification stream while being a strong supporter of transformation, which is excellent): https://youtu.be/noCsp2e2O8w
My video on Matthew Grech, who is also facing persecution for sharing his ex-gay testimony in a country that has outlawed "conversion therapy": https://youtu.be/2pYa2pOq-fo

04:08 Life story.
08:09 Insight about witnessing.
10:32 Differing church experiences.
13:20 Weaknesses in churches regarding sexuality.
20:34 Side B?
25:03 Integrity in behavior.
32:30 Against the tide of culture.
35:42 Canadian LGBTQ culture and politics.
40:55 Navigating the new legal landscape.
45:13 Lawsuit against him.
52:14 Upcoming webinar and events.
54:33 How to support him.

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God bless!
-Andrew Rodriguez

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