Rainbow Cotton Remastered (Everyone's Fav Candy Loving Red Head Witch Girl is BACK!! Her Japanese-only 3D Dreamcast Entry finnally gets a Localization!)

1 year ago

Rainbow Cotton Remastered (Everyone's Fav Candy Loving Red Head Witch Girl is BACK!! Her Japanese-only 3D Dreamcast Entry finnally gets a Localization!)

Yep,That adorable Willow obsessed Candy-a-Holic Sweet Tooth Neon Colored/80's/90's Witch Girl is back with a Remastered version of her first 3D Adventure,the One that never got localized back in the Day:P




Fun Fact about me,I remember once seeing an Ad for the original Dreamcast Version in an Issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly back in 2000,which they advertised a Promo for both Rainbow Cotton for the Dreamcast and the Neo Geo Pocket Version of Cotton Fantastic Night Dreams,which I still own that issue til this very day,which EGM Teased us with sneak previews of it back in the day,but Guess what though........SADLY,that game never got localized back in the day,I mean what a Shame,but The Neo Geo Pocket Cotton game did though.

but anyways,it was because of that issue of EGM I had,is how i found out about the cotton franchise and how I first got exposed to the Series:P

So yep,this was the only cotton game i never got a chance to play back than for many reasons,number 1,the obvious,this never received a localized english release,and number 2,DreamCast Emulators were extreamly Difficult to Emulate back than in the early 2000's,and even if you managed to find a decent working one,they didn't run well on a slow Ass Windows 98 or Windows XP Computer.

Great to see this cutie making another epic Return! Which finnally her Dreamcast game gets a remastered rerelease!:P

However,I did how the original Version got alot of bad Reviews back in the day from the hardcore japanese cotton fans dued to the Train Wreck Broken Controls which is difficult to position Cotton into the Center to Aim Cotton's Shooter/Broom at the enemy Targets,which hopefully the Remastered Version fixes alot of the bad controls!

This year is turning out amazing,First Super Bomberman R 2,Than that new Contra Game and Now a Remastered Rainbow Cotton Remastered

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