The Origins Of The Neocons And Their Lunatic World View | A History With Professor Michael Brenner

1 year ago

Neocons are about the most dangerous species in international relations today. They are the kind of people who would rather see a million dead than chose a cooperative framework to resolve a (perceived) problem. Let's remember the memorable words of Ultra-Neocon Madeleine Albright: When asked in 1992 at an interview if half a million dead Iraqi Children which the US sanctions on the country had caused was worth it, Albright replied: “I think that is a very hard choice, but the price, we think, the price is worth it.” ( If Hitler came back, he'd be a neocon.

In this talk, professor emeritus Michael Brenner gives a comprehensive overview of the genesis and development of US neocons and the damage they are causing in international relations.


Pascal’s academic articles about neutrality studies:

“In Defense of Neutrals: Why They’re More Than Fence Sitter” Foreign Policy, June 6, 2023.

“The Future of Neutrality”. Geneva Center for Security Policy, Policy Briefs, no.4, 2023. ISBN: 978-2-88947-407-3.

“Dual-Neutrality for the Koreas: A Two-Pronged Approach toward Reunification.” Defense & Security Analysis, 2022,

“The Politics and Diplomacy of Neutrality.” Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations, New York: Oxford University Press, 2022,

“Neutrality Studies.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, New York: Oxford University Press, 2022,

“Going East: Switzerland’s Early Consular Diplomacy toward East and Southeast Asia.” Traverse: Zeitschrift für Geschichte 27 no. 1, 2020, 23–34,

“Violent Conflicts and Neutral Legations: A Case Study of the Spanish and Swiss Legations in Wartime Japan.” New Global Studies 11, no.2, 20 17. 85–100,

Pascal’s books about neutrality studies:

Lottaz Pascal, and Ingemar Ottosson. Sweden, Japan, and the Long Second World War 1931–1945. London: Routledge, 2021.

Lottaz Pascal, Heinz Gärtner, and Herbert Reginbogin, eds. Neutral Beyond the Cold: Neutral States and the Post-Cold War International System. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2022,

Reginbogin, Herbert, and Pascal Lottaz, eds. Permanent Neutrality: A Model for Peace, Security, and Justice. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2020,

Lottaz Pascal, and Herbert Reginbogin, eds. Notions of Neutralities. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2019,

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