Old School (Official Music Video) | Blue Water Highway

1 year ago

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Listen to the song here: https://bwhb.lnk.to/YOTDID


A 1911 on a Sam Browne Belt
A silver St. Michael hanging on a shelf
And hot black coffee on the kitchen stool
Old school

A kiss for the boy at the back screen door
Who waves at the car ‘til he can’t no more
It’s an old black and white, with shades of blue
It’s old school

Old school, old school
All that is gold isn’t all brand new
It’s old school

Overheads flashing and the siren’s on
Gotta get there fast, don’t stay too long
‘Cause you’re not welcome when the trouble’s gone

So call home to the woman at the back screen door
She’s kept her eyes open til she can’t no more
She’s got a pink granite heart and a love so true
She’s old school

Old School, old school
All that is gold isn’t all brand new
It’s old school

It’s overtime work on Christmas Eve
To pay for the toys in the magazines
Smiling with a head full of crime scenes...

Down a long dark alley, he stands alone
Calling out on the radio
He’s got one hand bleeding, the other’s broke

Like an old prizefighter from the corner stool
He’s gonna come out swinging with a job to do
He’s gonna hit ‘em as hard as the golden rule
He’ll do it old school

Yeah old school, old school
All that is gold isn’t all brand new
It’s old school

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bluewaterhighway

Listen to Blue Water Highway:
Spotify: https://bluewaterhighway.lnk.to/BWHspotify
Apple Music: https://bluewaterhighway.lnk.to/BWHapplemusic
Amazon: https://bluewaterhighway.lnk.to/BWHamazon
Pandora: https://bluewaterhighway.lnk.to/BWHpandora

Find tickets: https://tix.to/TourID
Official website: https://www.bluewaterhighwayband.com

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#bluewaterhighway #oldschool #yearofthedragon

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