Black hole snack Attack

1 year ago

Using NASA's neil geherls Swift abservatoery , which lunched in 2004 scientists have discovered a black hole in distant galaxy nibbling a sun like star .the object hersda new ers of swift science made possible by a novel method for analyzing data from the settellite's X- ray telescope.
When a 🌟 star starys too close to a monster black hole gravitational force create intense tides that break the star apart into stream of gas.the leading edge swings around the black hole and the trailing edge escape .The destructive episodes are called tidal disruption event .
Astronomers see as flare of mutliwavelengh light created When the dobris collides with a disk of material already orbiting the black hole.
Recently as astronomers have been investigating variation tidal disruption.
During these events time an oribiting star passes close to a black hole the star bulge outward and sheds material but survive.
On June 22 - 2022 XRT capture swift J0230 for first lit up in galaxy around 500 million light years away in the northern constellation.
XRT Observed nine additional out brusts from same location every week.

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