I was not prepared for what I saw when I stole my dad's computer.

1 year ago

I was not prepared for what I saw when I stole my dad's computer.

Hi, I’m Evie and I’ve got this problem. It all started when I was 8 years old. Every Friday night my parents would make me go to bed earlier than normal so they could have a movie night alone. One night I begged them to let me stay up with them, but they refused, saying that the movies they watched weren’t suitable for kids, and sent me off to my room. I didn’t understand? What could they be watching that I couldn’t? I can be quite stubborn so I decided that no matter what, I’d find a way to watch their movies. I didn’t like secrets, and also I was just really curious. I stayed in my room like a good little girl, and waited…and waited, until the house was completely silent. On tip toes, I crept downstairs and grabbed their laptop before making my way back to my room. I didn’t want to wake them, so I plugged my pink headphones in and lucky for me, they had just clicked pause and shut the screen. I rewound the movie and pressed play. My eyes were stinging from staying up so late waiting for them to go to bed, but I couldn’t peel my eyes away. I couldn’t believe what I was watching! It was all about a kid who could see dead people, and everywhere he went these ghosts would haunt him. I watched right up until the end, and then ran as fast as I could downstairs to put their laptop back.

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