Pope Francis Says God Bless U.S.A. Largest Homosexuality Military Force In The World

1 year ago

Pope Francis Says God Bless All Homosexuality Military Force In The World... We Are Looking For A Few Good Men... O.K. He-She-Me-Ai-Tea-Trans-Etc. ALL U.S. Military "Cum One Cum All" Later joking and you can laugh about it now. My Bayonet Is Bigger Then Your Bayonet ? and Pope say joking about "its long, its hard and its black and full of semen ?" you know like sperm whale... its a Submarine Man... ha ha ha... and more joking its a funny story... so 140 sailor's like in a men go to sea for 90 days and 70 couples cum back... ha ha ha (yes its cute joke) cum on man that funny today... Get Er Done - Larry the Cable Guy - Yes i love it... Army now dug a fox hole for two people in one hole or more like two fox's per one hole... sound like fun times at night or day for service members today in a fox hole too me or for me.

P.S. Remember Not All Military Force In The World Are All Homosexuality... Some Are (Men Who Love Women and Women Who Love Men Too) And Also Some Are Pedophile's Of Kids And Some Women In Service From The Past & Now Say... Some Men In Military Past Times And Now... Are Also And Have Raped Service Women For Over 60+ Years Now. Its Also Sad Too! & Yes This A Real Military Pink Tank And It All Works To Kill People Every ware.

In 2018, there were 20,500 reported cases of sexual assault or rape in the US military, including 13,000 women. The Army admitted that soldiers are more likely to be raped by someone of their own uniform than to be shot by the enemy. Approximately 20,000 US military members are sexually assaulted annually, but only 7,816 reported those cases, and only in 350 cases were perpetrators charged with a crime.

Pedophile President Joe Biden and Others created an independent commission to examine possible solutions and endorsed its findings. Despite years of efforts to halt rape and other sex crimes in the ranks, the number of sexual assaults in the US military rose by 38% from 2016 to 2018, and the sexual-assault rate for women jumped 50%.


200,000+ women are in the active-duty military 2018


Despite Efforts, Sexual Assaults And Raped Up Nearly 40% in US Military


Meanwhile, the U.S. war in Vietnam helped transform Thailand’s Pattaya Beach into one of the world’s largest red-light districts. It was a favored spot for R&R, or intoxication and sexual intercourse. When the military withdrew from South Vietnam, it left behind an estimated 700,000 sex workers.


U.S. Military Sexual Assault And Raped Women on the Sex Trade in the Philippines.


Pope Francis's top Vatican Homosexuality ally has just been charged with 100s child sex abuse to date. The Catholic priest sex abuse scandal has just made its way to the top of the Vatican. Many critical of both Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI’s sluggish pace in addressing the issue were hopeful that Pope Francis would prove a far more fervent ally when it came to contending with the church’s legacy of sex abuse. And, in his initial years as pope, Francis seemed willing to address these concerns.

But progress has been slow. The pope scrapped one of the main proposals of the Vatican’s committee — that bishops accused of covering up abuse be subject to a tribunal —after bishops objected. And earlier this year, Collins herself stepped down from the committee, citing the Vatican’s “shameful” resistance to redressing its wrongs. The final straw, she said, was the Vatican’s reluctance to comply with a recommendation that all correspondence from those identifying themselves as victims of abuse should receive a response.

Vatican’s actions, breaking a trend of Vatican obfuscation as he said “It is personal, moral damage carried out by men of the Church." Francis insisted "the Church will not take one step backward" in dealing with this problem.” He also announced that any priest who had enabled abuse by moving an abuser to another parish should resign.

Decoding 100's Illuminati Symbolism Pyramid All Seeing Eye And 666 Hand Gesture.


Decoding 100's Illuminati Symbolism “Coraline” one eye with 666, everything becomes clear through the pyramid all seeing eye. Left eye path symbolizes clear vision, and the right eye in the occult symbolizes darkness. Horus and Lucifer has one eye. Hand signs of the Illuminati can be flashed in public by puppet world leaders and celebrities while the unsuspecting masses remain ignorant. Like Illuminati symbols, only Illuminati insiders are aware of the true meanings hidden behind the signs, hand gestures or semaphores. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?" -Mark 8:36 Woe to the idol Shepard that leaves the flock! The sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened. They have turned their backs on their Lord and these idols have led their flock (fans) astray." Zechariah 11:17 Wake up your soul is priceless, only God can give you ever lasting paradise. Satan is a liar. When people uses any of these phrases: One World Religion, Global Government, One World Order, New World Order, these people are pure evil and part of the worlds largest Satanic circles. Everything horrific happening in our world today is because of these satanic monsters.

UN Report Calls For Decriminalization Of Sex Between Adults/Children Age 8+Up.


UN New Legal Principles Launched On International Women’s and Trans Women Day to advance decriminalization efforts In March 2023, UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), along with the International Committee of Jurists (ICJ) published a group of "new legal principles" that would advance "decriminalization efforts" globally. Principle 16, titled "consensual sexual conduct," stated that sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual. The principles were the product of a 2018 workshop between the three organizations and developed over the next five years based on feedback and reviews from a range of experts and stakeholders. The principles did not call for the abolishment of any minimum age of consent, but rather that criminal laws should not be biased in favor of any sex/gender, or age of consent to marriage. Most US states set the age of consent at 16, with Arizona, North Dakota, Oregon, and Virginia setting theirs at 15, so adults in most US states are already legally allowed to have sex with children/adolescents, as per UN definition.


The International Committee of Jurists (ICJ) along with UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) officially launched a new set of expert jurist legal principles to guide the application of international human rights law to criminal law.

Pope Francis says homosexuality "is not a crime," but gay sex is " maybe a sin" Rome Jan. 2023 — Pope Francis has called laws criminalizing homosexuality as fundamentally "unfair," making it clear that in the mind of the leader of the Catholic Church, "being homosexual is not a crime."

The pontiff addressed discrimination against the LGBTQ community, his own health and future plans, and the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, among other things, in a wide-ranging interview with The Associated Press published Wednesday.

"We are all children of God, and God loves us as we are," he told AP reporter Nicole Winfield at his Vatican residence.

Francis reiterated, however, church teaching that engaging in homosexual activity is sinful.

"It's a sin," Francis said, adding: "Let's make the distinction first between sin and crime."

Intrigue over Pope Francis' remarks on same-sex civil unions
Significantly, the pope clarified that discriminating against others was also sinful, saying: "It's also a sin to lack charity with one another, so what about that?"

Catholic Church teaching says that gay people must be welcomed into the church and treated with respect and kindness, despite the fact that homosexual acts are considered "intrinsically disordered."

Francis has not changed this teaching, and in 2021 the Vatican doctrinal office decreed that the church could not bless same-sex unions because "God cannot bless sin."

However, Pope Francis has repeatedly championed homosexual rights and advocated for inclusion of LGBTQ people in Catholic life.

Francis said the church "must" work to get unjust laws abolished around the world.

Same-sex sexual acts are considered crimes in some 67 countries, mostly in Africa and the Middle East, according to the Human Dignity Trust organization. In 11 of those countries, punishment can include the death penalty.

More than a dozen U.S. states still have laws against sodomy, despite the Supreme Court declaring them unconstitutional in 2003.

The pope said that some bishops from countries that criminalize homosexuality support the laws because they're part of the local culture, and he called on those bishops to undergo a process of "conversion," in order to welcome LGBQT people into their ministry "with tenderness."

The pope also blasted a movement in Germany called the "Synodal Path," in which bishops and lay people are examining the possibility of controversial church reforms such as allowing priests to marry, and permitting female deacons and church blessings for same sex couples.

While Francis didn't specifically address the issues under discussion, he discredited the process as neither serious nor helpful, and said it was being led by an "elite" and did not represent "all the people of God."

Earlier this week, the Vatican shot down a proposal by German bishops to establish a new governing body for the German church, which would be composed of both bishops and laypeople.

Francis, 86, also addressed questions about his health, revealing that the diverticulitis that necessitated an operation in 2021 had returned. He said the small knee fracture that forced him to cancel trips and use a wheelchair had healed without surgery, crediting laser and magnetic therapy.

"I'm already walking, I'm helping myself with the stroller, but I'm walking," he said. "I'm in good health. For my age, I'm normal."

Since the death of retired Pope Benedict XII earlier this year, rumors have intensified that Francis might decide to retire. But he told the AP that he plans to continue for as long as he can.

He reiterated that should he retire, he would like to live in a residence for retired priests in Rome and be known as the Bishop Emeritus of Rome.

"Benedict's experience has opened the door for the new popes who resign to insert themselves (in society) in a freer way," he said.

Francis said with Benedict's death, he lost a father figure and a confidant.

"For me, he was a security. In the face of a doubt, I would ask for the car and go to the monastery" where Benedict lived to seek counsel. "I lost a good companion."

Pope Francis calls for end to anti-gay laws and LGBTQ+ Welcome from church LGBTQ+ advocates hail Pope’s rejection of sexual orientation as crime and call to bishops to resist anti-gay laws as ‘milestone’ Pope Francis has criticised laws that criminalise homosexuality as “unjust”, saying God loves all his children just as they are, and calling on Catholic bishops who support the laws to welcome LGBTQ+ people into the church.

“Being homosexual isn’t a crime,” Francis said on Tuesday in an interview.

Francis acknowledged that Catholic bishops in some parts of the world support laws that criminalise homosexuality or discriminate against LGBTQ+ people, and he himself referred to the issue in terms of “sin”. But he attributed such attitudes to cultural backgrounds and said bishops in particular need to undergo a process of change to recognise the dignity of everyone.

“These bishops have to have a process of conversion,” he said, adding that they should apply “tenderness, please, as God has, for each one of us”.

Francis’s comments, which were hailed by gay rights advocates as a milestone, are the first uttered by a pope about such laws. But they are also consistent with his overall approach to LGBTQ+ people and his belief that the Catholic Church should welcome everyone and not discriminate.

Some 67 countries or jurisdictions worldwide criminalize consensual same-sex sexual activity, 11 of which can or do impose the death penalty, according to The Human Dignity Trust, which works to end such laws. Experts say even where the laws are not enforced, they contribute to harassment, stigmatization and violence against LGBTQ+ people.

Juan Carlos Cruz
Pope Francis tells gay man: 'God made you like this'
In the US, more than a dozen states still have anti-sodomy laws on the books, despite a 2003 supreme court ruling declaring them unconstitutional. Gay rights advocates say the antiquated laws are used to justify harassment, and point to new legislation, such as the “Don’t say gay” law in Florida, which forbids instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten up to third grade, as evidence of continued efforts to marginalize LGBTQ+ people.

The UN has repeatedly called for an end to laws criminalizing homosexuality outright, saying they violate rights to privacy and freedom from discrimination and are a breach of countries’ obligations under international law to protect the human rights of all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Declaring such laws “unjust”, Francis said the Catholic church can and should work to put an end to them. “It must do this. It must do this,” he said.

Francis quoted the Catholic catechism in saying gay people must be welcomed and respected, and should not be marginalized or discriminated against.

“We are all children of God, and God loves us as we are and for the strength that each of us fights for our dignity,” Francis said.

Francis’s remarks come ahead of a trip to Africa, where such laws are common, as they are in the Middle East. Many date from British colonial times or are inspired by Islamic law. Some Catholic bishops have strongly upheld them as consistent with Vatican teaching, while others have called for them to be overturned as a violation of basic human dignity.

On Tuesday, Francis said there needed to be a distinction between a crime and a sin with regard to homosexuality. Church teaching holds that homosexual acts are sinful, or “intrinsically disordered”, but that gay people must be treated with dignity and respect.

Francis articulated the position: “It’s not a crime. Yes, but it’s a sin. Fine, but first let’s distinguish between a sin and a crime.”

“It’s also a sin to lack charity with one another,” he added.

Francis has not changed the church’s teaching, which has long riled gay Catholics. But he has made reaching out to LGBTQ+ people a hallmark of his papacy.

The pope’s comments didn’t specifically address transgender or nonbinary people, just homosexuality, but advocates of greater LGBTQ+ inclusion in the Catholic Church hailed the pope’s comments as a momentous advance.

“His historic statement should send a message to world leaders and millions of Catholics around the world: LGBTQ people deserve to live in a world without violence and condemnation, and more kindness and understanding,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of the US-based advocacy group Glaad.

The Largest Armies In The World
Treaties and political promises mean nothing if they cannot be upheld or protected with state-sanctioned force. Opportunist states, since the beginning of human civilization, have been quick to take advantage of vulnerable neighbors regardless of whether peace agreements were in place. Therefore, mass mobilization of national populations is an integral part of existing as a country in the 21st century. The presence of military might is an ongoing balancing act between maintaining peace and engaging in open warfare.

Religious, geopolitical, and economic disputes are not always solved diplomatically, which is why each of the following countries has invested in building up the largest and most powerful armies that the world has ever seen. This ranking considers active personnel to be the key metric, and the combined military might of reserve units is not considered. Furthermore, the tooth-to-tail ratio (combat units as opposed to supporting units) can vary, with a single soldier often relying on the assistance of two or even fifteen additional support personnel, on average.

China - 2 Million Active Personnel
India - 1.45 Million Active Personnel
United States - 1.39 Million Active Personnel
North Korea - 1.2 Million Active Personnel
Russia - 850 Thousand Active Personnel
Pakistan - 640 Thousand Active Personnel
Iran - 575 Thousand Active Personnel
NATO - 3.3 Million Active Personnel


Objective: Homosexuality has remained a focus of military concern despite society's increasing acceptance of homosexual men and women and evidence that homosexuals have served and currently serve in the U.S. armed forces. President Clinton has stated a determination to end discrimination against homosexuals in the military and reverse the exclusionary policy on homosexuals serving in the armed forces. The authors review the history of the policy of the U.S. military to exclude homosexuals from serving in the armed forces.

Method: The data for this study were drawn from military archives and court cases that have shaped U.S. policy excluding homosexuals from serving in the armed forces. The three main arguments are addressed: 1) homosexuality is a mental disorder rendering a person unstable, 2) homosexual service members are a source of poor morale for military units, and 3) homosexual service members are poor security risks.

Results: Considerable evidence demonstrates that homosexuals in the military pose no documented threat to national security and show no evidence of poor work performance.

Conclusions: Although issues of morale and fraternization in the military remain challenges, no evidence in this review supports the exclusion of homosexuals from service in the U.S. armed forces.


Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell… Homosexuals and the military. This week we looks at the relationship between homosexuals and the armed forces. The unique experience of war and gender-segregated military conditions have emerged in the studies of homosexuality as being some of the greatest opportunities for homosexuality to flourish, as researched by John D’Emilio and Allan Bérubé. Militaries tend to have strong connections with their history, which may make them lean toward conservatism; this has led some critics to suggest that the US military’s views on homosexuality are archaic and backwards. This essay will focus mostly on the experiences of male homosexuals in the US military since the beginning of World War Two. In addition, the historiography on Britain by Emma Vickers and World War One by Margot Canaday will also be explored briefly to provide a wider picture and demonstrate the scope for future academia. Whilst the essay focus may just represent one aspect of gay military history, it raises interesting ideas about the leader of the Western World’s military being outdated and out of touch with mainstream society; homosexuality has been legalized in America for some time and is arguably widely accepted, yet the military ban on homosexuals was lifted only in 2011. The topic’s contemporary relevance makes the emerging history significant as earlier experiences may been seen to have shaped today’s society and the progression over recent times can be tracked to an extent, particularly with the interesting links between scholarship. The theory of World War Two as the trigger of modern homosexuality, the impacts of the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ campaign, the importance of oral histories and the issues that arose because of the Vietnam War will all need further research to illustrate the ways in which it is significant that studies of homosexuality in the history of the military have emerged.

War has been described as a unique experience; one reason for this is because of the sense of detachment from reality. For example, individuals were only surrounded by members of the same-sex for long periods of time and had to confront death daily. Such circumstances make it is possible to see why homosexual opportunities are seized and bonds are formed which are unlikely to be possible in ‘normal life’. The intimacy, closeness and comradeship are felt by both gay and straight men which obviously poses difficulties with defining homosexuals in the military. Homosexual activity may not necessarily equate to the participant being gay; the prevalence of intimate contact and affection when threatened with death is not an uncommon practice. Leon Podles notes that “in our society, men aren’t supposed to show that kind of affection except under such stress as this.” It is important for history to look at this unique topic as it has such a precise focus, perhaps unlike previous gay histories, but also because it holds a wide range of consequences and outcomes in the military and the greater society too.

The work of Bérubé has focused on the significance of World War Two as a nationwide ‘coming out’ experience for gay Americans and for many, their military experiences during this time became “the foundation upon which they built a post-war life.” This counteracts the thoughts of many scholars who have placed emphasis on the Stonewall Riots in New York in 1969 as the trigger of the modern gay identity. The construction of urban gay communities in the 1940s owes much to the experiences of World War Two; homosexuals had had a taste of freedom and did not want to return to normal life or succumb to the post-war pressure of practicing heterosexual and conventional family norms. The urban gay centers of the US we know today, such as San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles all have strong links to the experiences of gay men in the war, who were consciously realizing their own identity and searching for a like-minded community.

To address the theory of D’Emilio and look at why the US experience of World War Two led to the acknowledgement of gay identity and the formation of homosexual communities, the policy of homosexual screening at the draft boards needs to be explored. Bérubé developed on from D’Emilio’s earlier work on homosexuality in the history of the military by using oral histories, this demonstrates the significance of this topic as there is area for scope and the ability to expand on the scholarship. Bérubé’s oral methodology has gained considerable praise and has proved to be of huge significance to the subject because of the value of first-hand accounts which belong to a generation soon to die out; its aim is for the history not to be lost. With the increasing authority of psychiatrists in the armed forces, the homosexual screening process became mandatory for those wishing to enter the US army. By simply asking blunt questions about one’s sexual orientation, it was necessary for men to face their own sexual status which they may have not done previously in their lives. Looking at World War Two as a time where conscious homosexual identity emerged is significant to the history of the military as it represents a turning point in the lives of many Americans and thus in post-war life, where urban gay communities increased dramatically.

The use of psychiatry in identifying homosexuals in the US military supported the notion of homosexuality as some form of mental illness. This had been a long-standing view of psychoanalysts, such as Sigmund Freud and sexologists, such as Magnus Hirschfield, but its application in military draft policy raises serious morality issues about one’s patriotism and not being accepted or wanted to represent and fight for one’s country. This will be discussed later when focusing on Vietnam and the work of Justin David Suran.

It is important to observe that the US military did address homosexuality in World War One, but did not have the resources to implement the sophisticated screening and surveillance as they did in World War Two. Margot Canaday focuses on the dramatic change from the traditional law of sodomy as a punishable offence in the military to World War Two where the homosexual status became punishable and a reason for discharge or not recruiting in the first place. This demonstrates significance in the emergence of studies of homosexuality in the military as it has the ability to track the transformation of the U.S over time into a more sexually conscious and sexually aware society. The change in punishment in the law from acts to status illustrates the wider society’s progression to ideas about acknowledging what you are with names and labels. The historiography suggests that to be a homosexual in World War One would have been easier than in World War Two because of the ability to go undetected and avoid trouble with the officers, compared to World War Two were homosexuals were actively sought out.

Relating back to the significance of oral histories in the study of homosexuality in the military, Vickers, who was researching homosexuality in the British Armed Forces in World War One, appeared to cause great insult to some veterans she wished to discuss the subject with. John Clarke was outraged with the claim that any of his fellow soldiers in the war may have been homosexual, as it was illegal and “un-British” . She was accused of disrespecting the sacredness of war and those who died for their country. With the abundance of research and evidence that many homosexuals did serve in the British Armed Forces in World War One and elsewhere, these accusations are likely to represent the continuance of heterosexual tradition and sexual stigma within the military. The apparent dishonor of claiming homosexuals served in the military relates back to the morality issues surrounding one’s patriotism and right to die for one’s country. The outdated beliefs of some military officials have significance to current debate, particularly relating to the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ (DADT) policy. The continuance of social stigma toward homosexuals in the military is demonstrated by a retired Army chaplain, Ron Crews’ notion that DADT is a radical sexual experiment threatening the US military.

In order to identify ways in which the emergence of homosexuality in the history of the military has been significant, the contemporary relevance of the DADT policy and Bérubé’s scholarly influence cannot be ignored. DADT, implemented under President Bill Clinton in 1993 as a compromise with traditional military leaders, barred openly homosexual men and women from military service. To some, this may have appeared to be a success for the homosexual community; they were being allowed to serve in the military, as long as they didn’t discuss their sexual orientation or engage in any homosexual activity. Yet, DADT raised many issues and, it could be argued, was an even greater hindrance to the gay movement than previous policies. The experiences of gay servicemen were not improved and by essentially being forced to remain in the closet, there would have been great “costs to the individual’s identity and sense of human value.” Joseph Rocha, who served in the US Navy from 2004 to 2007, spoke of the daily fear and anxiety of being discovered but also the grave unhappiness of lying about one’s true identity; “in order to be protected by DADT, it would require such a level of deceit and deception and such a removal of everything that is beautiful in your life – of relationships, of meaning, of friendships…that’s not human.” Derek Burks finds that DADT serves only to highlight homosexuality undesirably in the military environment which is already characterized by heterosexuality and conservative gender norms. This augments homosexual victimization and diminishes the feeling of safety and confidence in one’s troop, resulting in an absence of victim reports and help seeking. The general consensus of Steve Estes’ interviewees was that DADT “changing nothing or even made matters worse.” The repeal of the policy and the emergence of these histories allowed gay servicemen the long-awaited feeling of acceptance and the ability to be open about one’s sexual identity without fear of discharge and the end of their military career.

By bringing homosexuality into the political sphere, DADT highlighted the outdated tradition of military law. The US military were backwards compared to US society. The implementation of this policy saw a resurgence of gay political activity, similar to the 1970s gay liberation movements. It is significant that the history of homosexuality in the military has emerged because, as seen here, it ties in with other aspects of social life, such as political protest. Another important aspect to consider is the credibility of the scholarship of homosexuality on this topic, highlighted by Bérubé’s work becoming part of contemporary debate in the 1990s. Being considered an expert on the topic, he himself was caught up in the political storm of DADT and was consulted on the issues of it.

Gay anti-Vietnam War protest and the conflicting pro-war stance of the Mattachine Society in the 1960s and 1970s is another area which highlights the significance of political links with homosexuality and the military. Suran studies the Vietnam War’s considerable impact on the lives of homosexual men and women, and criticizes the other historiography of this subject for missing the conflict’s unique relevance to homosexuals and the gay rights movement of the era. The Vietnam draft, like World War Two, forced many men to come to terms with their sexual identity because of the US Army’s screening process. Yet, times had moved on since World War Two with homosexual issues discussed more openly in the wider public and with the emergence of the gay liberation movement, homosexuality’s political connections were amplified. The US military’s controversial involvement in Vietnam spurred a split in the gay movement between gay veterans and gay activists. The Mattachine Society, which emerged post-World War Two, was a homophile organization which sought to improve the rights of homosexuals. They were keen to assert their ability to conform to the conventional norms of society and exist as loyal, hard-working citizens. This led to pro-war attitudes among homophiles as it may have been a perfect opportunity to fit in with society and essentially prove their honor and devotion to their country. At the opposite end of the spectrum were younger, radical gay activists who were entirely opposed to conforming to the heterosexual, capitalist means behind fighting in Vietnam; they wanted no part in the masculine dominance and oppression of war.

Suran criticises D’Emilio for focusing on New York and Stonewall in the history of homosexuality, where he believes greater attention is needed in San Francisco where the anti-war protest and gay rights movements were at their height. Vietnam illustrates the significance of the study of homosexuality within military history as it highlights the individuality of homosexuals and their political views resulting in a division in the gay movement. It continues to track the changes in political views and what their implications were in the military and in wider society. Suran sees the Vietnam War as an unavoidable topic when tracing the history of homosexuality because of its formative influence of gay solidarity and urban, social protest.

In conclusion, it is of considerable significance that studies of homosexuality in the history of the military have emerged because it ties in with other areas and aspects of society, such as politics, protest, medical understanding, employment law and urban life. It provides a new perspective on how to understand the importance of war. The development of military history with new areas of relevance being explored provides historians with a richer understanding of the dynamics and experience of war. The abundance of sources in the form of draft boards, legal documents, letters, oral histories and the high standing of scholarship on the topic serve to promote and exemplify why homosexuality should be included in the history of the military. Bérubé concludes that World War Two was of great significance to the history of sexuality, as well as US and world history. The experience of the military draft boards, and later with the political gay movements of the 1960s and 1970s, homosexuality was finally gaining public acknowledgement. Whilst, this may have excelled effeminate stereotypes as associated with the screening processes, some would argue that any public representation of homosexuality was better than none at all. A final point that should be made is that armies can be used to impose their country’s will on others, in America’s case this would be liberal democracy. Since the majority of American civilians would consider themselves liberal and with the legalization of homosexuality in America, it could be argued that the US army should have put American values into practice earlier than 2011 in order to be fully representative of US society. Nonetheless it is significant that homosexuality has become legalized within the US military as it represents a marked progress from their archaic laws that existed prior to this.

Only San Diego U.S.A. Anniversary Parade Branches of the Armed Forces Largest Homosexuality Military Force In The World.


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Secrets Meeting Biden Said New U.S.A. Laws Coming Age of Consent Is To Be 8 Yrs. Old


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I Was Raped By Politicians, Your Fathers Your Mother Other Family Members and U.S. Government Is Selling My Photos XXX Child Pornography (also called CP, child sexual abuse material, CSAM, child porn, or kiddie porn) is pornography that is unlawfully to some and not-unlawfully to other global elite who exploits children for sexual stimulation. It may be produced with the direct involvement or sexual assault of a child (also known as child sexual abuse images) or it may be simulated child pornography. Abuse of the child occurs during the sexual acts.

Black Sex Slave Fight For Sexual Justice During Reconstruction Female Slave Owners


Why is America the greatest country in the world ? America is not the greatest country in the world anymore. He then gives a litany of factual reasons why. America lags other nations in the world in a large number of areas, from infant mortality and crime rates to median income and gross domestic product per capita. Politicians, doctors, public policymakers, economists and academics have tried to narrow these gaps for years. Did Obama really say, "they bring a knife we bring a gun" without getting impeached ? Yes, and even crazier, Teddy Roosevelt was never impeached for carrying a big a stick. Most people, even now, know the difference between literal and figurative speech.

Black's Is White's Law Dictionary and Read Secret Canons of Judicial Miss-Conduct Info.


Rules Professional Responsibility course about various provisions of the Code of Judicial Conduct. This is a quick overview that hits the highlights. Video Is Good... You Can Read Court Laws and Secret Canons of Judicial Conduct Law Info. Below:

COVID-19 Blood and Non Vaccines Blood and Secret Pedophile's Blood Bank U.S.A.


Blood Feasting Pedophiles, Parasitic Monsters Literally and Predatory Feeding Off the 9.6 Million Children Gone Missing Each Year Around the World… Top Secret “Pedophile” has reverberated throughout America. But beneath our anger and revulsion, a fundamental question pulsates: Are those who abuse their positions of trust to prey upon children—a category certainly not limited to those in religious orders—sick … or are they evil? We need the answer to that fundamental question. Because, without the truth, we cannot act. And until we act, nothing will change. Global child sex trafficking networks generate huge profits, run by the world’s most powerful individuals. A 2014 International Labor Organization report estimates that two-thirds of the annual profits from forced labor come from sexual slavery that amounts to $99 billion USD each year. And of that $99 billion, most is produced off the blood, sweat, tears, and flesh of helpless underage child sex slaves caught up in global trafficking rings operated by this same diabolical global elite.

Disney Pedophile's Branson Necker Island 40 Miles To Epstein Orgy Island Global Elite


Disney Pedophile's Billionaire-Backed Sex Trafficking Cult Partied With Richard Branson on His Private Island and It’s also worth noting that former President Obama vacationed with Branson on Necker Island last year. Moreover, convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein had Branson and Bill Clinton listed among his contacts in his “little black book,” and his private island known as “Orgy Island” is less than 40 miles away from Necker Island within the Virgin Islands cluster.

New World Order Plan To Control Secret Evidence Revealed Death UN 21 Agenda U.S.A.


Speaker Pelosi's said her laptop had over 18,000+ documents and over 368,000+ pages of emails that were uploaded to who? or hacked by who? before shy got back to her office during the Jan. 6 insurrection. Riley June Williams, 22 was found guilty of six federal counts in November of 2022. Democrats woman of house wearing all white at state of the new world order speech rather than Republicans with red shoe lace who are the true saviors of the new world order and other civil liberties.
A laptop stolen from the offices of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the U.S. Capitol attack has not been recovered from the home or car of a Pennsylvania woman accused of helping steal it, the woman’s lawyer said Tuesday. Yes its still missing or sold to who ?

Speaker Pelosi's Laptop Ultra Secret Evidence Hard-Drive Revealed Death Agenda U.S.A.


Accused Capitol Rioter Riley Williams' sentencing delayed, could face up to 7 years in jail. Williams is accused of stealing Speaker Pelosi's said her laptop had over 18,000+ documents and over 368,000+ pages of emails that were uploaded to who? or hacked by who? before shy got back to her office during the Jan. 6 insurrection. Riley June Williams, 22 was found guilty of six federal counts in November of 2022. Democrats woman of house wearing all white at state of the new world order speech rather than Republicans with red shoe lace who are the true saviors of the new world order and other civil liberties.
A laptop stolen from the offices of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the U.S. Capitol attack has not been recovered from the home or car of a Pennsylvania woman accused of helping steal it, the woman’s lawyer said Tuesday. Yes its still missing or sold to who ?
Public defender A.J. Kramer told a federal judge that investigators searched the car and Harrisburg residence of Riley June Williams but did not locate the computer.

Pedophile and A Pizza Secret Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Evidence


CIA Director Pompeo Oversees Capture Of UN Pedophile Who Leaked Video Of Hillary Clinton Killing Child (True ?) What is the real world evidence and sources for these words that I've seen shared so much? “hotdog” = boy “pizza” = girl “cheese” = little girl “pasta” = little boy “ice cream” = male prostitute “walnut” = person of color “map” = semen “sauce” = orgy - So I searching online for any evidence that "pizza," "hotdogs," "cheese," or "pasta" are code words used by pedophiles. Found nothing, yet this "fact" has been repeated in virtually every post about Pizzagate. What's the source? Of course it's possible that the only Pedophile using these words and their kid sex friends. It may be their own private language.
Podesta’s email account was hijacked and the hackers took his entire private library of emails. This sucked hard for Podesta because the hackers had tons of high ranking-sensitive information. From October through November 20,000+ pages of emails were uploaded to wiki-leaks.

Pizza Gate New Clues Pedophile Paintings Modern Art Or Disturbing Pizza Clues W0W


They say a picture says a thousand words, so you could be forgiven for thinking that the art and paintings surrounding the Pizzagate scandal practically scream, “Something is not right!” While modern art and all art in general is highly subjective, the provocative paintings and art that Pizzagate “conspiracy theorists” are pointing to does indeed show to many people that either those involved in this scandal have highly dubious artistic tastes or they are very sinister individuals who don’t mind flaunting their beliefs and practices. You be the judge

Biden Admin. Sale Girls 11 to 14 Age To Sex Trade 4 Illegals Arrive On Ghost Flights!


Government officials say that secret flights on a variety of factors, including (Over 20,000 missing children so far) because of air space restrictions and weather conditions, and that no attempt is made to hide their arrival (a lie). The more fundamental concern expressed by politicians who keep talking about “ghost flights the Biden administration sex traders and pedophile pickers look at the unattended and or unaccompanied girl 11 to 14 and some boys so no one will look for them, for the secret flights at night only to sell to sex slave traders in U.S.A. Biden admin doesn’t want media attention on illegal immigration flights, its open border policies, or the results of those policies. How do we know? A security officer just said so, in an sex explosive video of secretive, dark-of-night flights transporting illegal immigrants to various points at night only throughout the U.S.A.

Pizzagate Is An Alt-Left-Right Fever Dream Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring.


What is the real world evidence and sources for these words that I've seen shared so much? “hotdog” = boy “pizza” = girl “cheese” = little girl “pasta” = little boy “ice cream” = male prostitute “walnut” = person of color “map” = semen “sauce” = orgy - So I searching online for any evidence that "pizza," "hotdogs," "cheese," or "pasta" are code words used by pedophiles. Found nothing, yet this "fact" has been repeated in virtually every post about Pizzagate. What's the source?
Of course it's possible that the only Pedophile using these words and their kid sex friends. It may be their own private language. But I see lots of claims that these terms are widely used by pedophiles and I can't find evidence of that.

If you’re having trouble no injuries — it might be because major publications have struggled to find the words to describe the situation. The Washington Post called Pizzagate, as it has come to be known, “a false election-related conspiracy theory.

A Dangerous New Zombie Drug is Taking Over American Streets and Million Will Die ?


There’s a new drug in town — and it has deadly consequences. Xylazine - otherwise known as “tranq,” “tranq dope” and “zombie drug” is wreaking havoc in major cities across the country with its devastating effects: It can literally rot the user’s skin. The substance, which seemed to first appear in Philadelphia before migrating west to San Francisco and Los Angeles, was used for cutting heroin, but, most recently, it has been discovered in fentanyl and other illicit drugs and remember you do not have to buy or use any street drugs at all ?

Outrageous Police Killing's Misconduct Police Brutality and Public Trust Is Now Gone!


You can truly grieve for every officer who has been lost in the line of duty in this country and still be troubled by cases of police overreach. Those two ideas are not mutually exclusive. You can have great regard for law enforcement and still want them to be held to high standards. This is a compilation video containing 10 incidents involving police officers, which had all been previously reported by various media outlets. This video is not created to elicit negative views towards the police in general. The purpose of this compilation is purely informative. This video does not contain any paid promotion and it is not monetized in any way.

What Governments Don’t Want You To Know About Modern Sex Slavery In The World


Global Slavery Index estimates that 45.8 million people are currently enslaved in some form. Modern slavery consists of human trafficking for physical labor or sex. The victims include women, young girls and boys, and LGBTQ youth, who are often coerced into prostitution. We may think modern slavery only takes place in faraway lands, but it’s happening right here, right now.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Long Island and New York City are in the top 20 locations for sex trafficking in the U.S. Most recently, three Long Islanders were charged with human trafficking and child prostitution. Long Island’s access to transportation (airports, rail roads, boats) and its dense population make it easier to target and move people unnoticed. What most see as a disgusting and illegal act is a lucrative business for others. Sex trafficking generates approximately $9.5 billion annually in the U.S. alone.

Can Pedophile's Have Sex With Real Kid's Humanoids and Other Adult AI Robot's ?


Pedophiles are people with a sexual attraction to children. Manifest acts, such as taking sexually explicit photographs, molesting children and exposing one's genitalia to children, are all crimes. Pedophiles can be "treated" but never cured, because their sexual preference has always been, and always will be, children. Their urges will always be present. Therefore, treatment focuses on changing, curbing, or re-directing the acting-out behaviors of pedophiles.

Many states have laws requiring convicted pedophiles to be registered as a sex offender in the community where they reside. The purpose of such laws is to alert the public so that children in the neighboring area are aware of the need to safeguard themselves. A “AI-Driven Sex Robots” are the robots designed for humans to have sexual intercourse. It is a machine engineered for sexual simulation and stimulation. If this sounds a bit mechanical and crass, it’s because, well, it sort of is. That being said, a major facet of human sexual intercourse is mechanical — so much so that prescribing tool analogies to our descriptions of it have become part of our popular cultural lexicon.

Military life is different from ... by laws, rules, and traditions that restrict personal behavior. While many of the strictures of military life are reasonable or necessary in light of the military's unique mission, the codification of anti-gay prejudice is not. Unfortunately, U.S. courts have failed to look closely at "don't ask, don't tell". Reluctant to intervene in matters of military judgment, the courts have left homosexual servicemen and servicewomen and servicetrans personnel today.


The discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ban on gay and lesbian service members is officially in the dustbin of history. For 17 years, the law prohibited qualified gay, lesbian and bisexual Americans from serving in the armed forces and sent a message that discrimination was acceptable.

The Introduction of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
In 1994, the U.S. adopted “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” as the official federal policy on military service by lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals. The rule was discrimination in its purest form and prevented service members from being openly queer without threat of being discharged. DADT was based on the false assumption that the presence of LGBTQ+ individuals in any branch of the military would undermine the ability of people to carry out their duties. Over the course of the policy’s life, thousands of brave service members were discharged simply for who they were and whom they loved.


Ensuring Justice for Service Members Everywhere
HRC made repealing DADT a top priority — and public sentiment showed the evolving perceptions of LGBTQ+ people serving openly in the military. By the time President Obama took office, we knew there was a coalition of supporters and elected officials ready to retire this hateful policy once and for all. Our Voices of Honor tour worked with hundreds of LGBTQ+ veterans across 50 different cities to lobby members of Congress to repeal DADT and identified more than 20,000 pro-repeal veterans. We also worked with Eric Alva, an openly gay Marine and the first person injured in the Iraq War, to share his story and speak on behalf of the thousands of LGBTQ+ service members actively fighting for our country.

A Vote for Equality
Leading up to a vote on repealing DADT in the Senate Armed Services Committee, HRC mobilized across six states identified as key to passing legislation through the committee. We then expanded our efforts across the country — hiring 27 staff members on the ground nationwide — to rally support ahead of a full Senate vote. After tens of thousands of letters, emails and calls from our members and supporters, victory was achieved and DADT was repealed in full on September 20, 2011. Service members previously discharged for their LGBTQ+ status were offered re-enrollment and future recruits knew they would no longer face discrimination when trying to serve their country.

The Continued Fight for Transgender Rights
In July 2017, President Trump sent a hateful tweet that transgender individuals would no longer be able to enter the military and those currently enlisted would not be allowed to continue in their roles. This was followed by an official memorandum the next month that went into effect in January 2019 amid ongoing lawsuits. Since then, HRC has joined a lawsuit fighting back against the policy. Trump’s ban is baseless, spurious and flat out unpatriotic. HRC is continuing to fight against this ban so that all people — especially transgender individuals — can serve our country.

50 Years Later, the Film Gay Deceivers Is Still Very Gay, Very Bad ? to who?, its Very Funny In 1969 and I Love It Too and like Blazing Saddles in 1974 Also very funny movie.

The Gay Deceivers was homophobic, juvenile, and, somehow, ahead of its time. We all know how historic 1969 was -- Nixon's inauguration, Vietnam, Stonewall, Judy Garland, Charles Manson, Woodstock, the Moon landing. The last year of the 1960s also broke ground when it came to film, with a movie about a coded gay friendship between a hustler and a grifter (Midnight Cowboy) winning the Best Picture Oscar the following year. Movies about the sexual revolution won big at the box office (Cactus Flower, Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice) and initiated discussions about marriage, monogamy, and gender roles.

When it came to paradigm-shifting films of 1969, The Gay Deceivers does not qualify. While this screwball comedy, released nationwide exactly a half-century ago, featured numerous (seemingly happy) queer characters, it was a commercial and critical dud that mostly vanished from the cultural memory.

But watching the movie now -- available on YouTube, see below -- is a relatively fascinating experience. Centered on two bonehead straight guys (played by Kevin Coughlin and Larry Casey) who pretend to be gay to avoid the draft, The Gay Deceivers was a precursor to shows like Bosom Buddies and Three's Company and movies like Mrs. Doubtfire and I Now Prounounce You Chuck and Larry.

While the jokes are broad and stupid, the puns obvious (a character brings a fruit basket to the titular deceivers), the women either clueless, lecherous, or deceitful (but always sexy and usually half-naked), and the antigay slurs ubiquitous, the movie has several fun flashes of gay culture that mainstream America was not at all used to.

When the deceivers rent an L.A. apartment lorded over by a swishy landlord named Malcolm (Michael Greer), it's adorned with homoerotic art that is still de rigueur in Palm Springs and Provincetown. Gay men in the film call each other "she" without a bat of the eye, drag is held up as an art form, and two men even dance together. Meanwhile, some characters express how lonely cruising can be (sound familiar?) and how difficult it is to keep a relationship alive. In one scene, a gay man commiserates to Casey's character of Elliot how straight people believe gays are animals and how unfair it is that they are routinely fired from their jobs. Of course, that potential is wasted when Elliot punches the man for coming on to him.

While the gay men are universally portrayed as sex-obsessed, most come off as likable (albeit silly). Greer, an openly gay comic at the time, reportedly worked with director Bruce Kessler to make the movie more sympathetic to the gay characters.

"While this movie tragically reflects its era's mainstream attitudes toward queer people, what makes The Gay Deceivers worth watching for a contemporary LGBTQ audience is the great Michael Greer as landlord Malcolm DeJohn," says Alonso Duralde, a film critic for TheWrap and co-host of the podcast Linoleum Knife. "He allegedly wrote all of his own dialogue, and the results back up that version, since he imbues the film with sass and dignity, taking a character that could have been merely a one-dimensional pansy stereotype and turning into something bold and outrageous. The rest of the movie is an object lesson of establishment homophobia in action, but Greer's performance allows a little rebellion and reality to elbow its way in. Fabulously."


The movie has also has a twist ending that takes a cue from Some Like It Hot. Without spoiling too much, the screenwriters and Kessler imply that not all gay people are swishy, snarky, and fashionable; anyone in your orbit could be queer. Though that message doesn't make up for The Gay Deceivers' many, many deficits, it was one very seldom expressed in 1969. Yes Uncle Sam "I Want You" For The Largest Homosexuality Military Force In The World Today!

Lesbian, Gay, Genderqueer, Bisexual, Demisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Twospirit, Intersex, Queer, Questioning, Asexual, Allies, Pansexual, Polyamorous.

LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP Inclusiveness Training was, mostly a tongue in cheek title on a flier from Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario for LGBTQ+ training, used as an eye-catcher to attract people to the program.

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