DEMONSPEED - Kill, Kill, Kill (full animated album)

1 year ago

With one patent leather shoe firmly planted in the evil-Elvis crooner school made famous by Glenn Danzig, and another squashing the cockroach that is N.Y.C.-styled post-punk pretentiousness, New Jersey's Demonspeed notoriously defend a credo of ‘murder and martinis.' Formed in 1994 by singer/guitarist Matt Payne, guitarist Chris Shannon, bassist Sal Villanueva and drummer Jim "The Swing" King, the band's suave hipster suits belie their undisguised passion for both heavy metal and punk, which they surreptitiously combine with elements of swing into groovy, finger-snapping tunes about serial killers -- not exactly the kind of band you bring home to mother. After a few demo and single releases, the group debuted with 1997's Swing is Hell, but, inexplicably, their charming musical cocktail failed to earn favor with the national P.T.A., and, except for the odd E.P. release, Demonspeed have hardly been heard from since.

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