Humboldt County HRC Sides with Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Over Concerned Parents

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This is a #ThrowBACK from October 2022 when Humboldt County officials, including local media outlets, came together from all over the county to terrorize, target, and threaten the BRAVE men and women who showed up to STAND against the oversexualization and overt targeting of Humboldt County's youth by Redwood Pride, Lark Doolan, and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

The local patriot media front galvanized to EXPOSE the blatant DISREGARD for child safety and their OWN responsibilities as mandated court reporters.

In this video, originally aired on December 1, 2022, PowerGirl Productions CELEBRATES the concerned men and women in Humboldt County who showed up to an 'ALL Ages' Halloween Drag Show to STAND for the sanctity of childhood, only to be met with hate, slander and defamation by the Human Rights Commission.

Before investigating both sides of the issue, Jim Glover of the Human Rights Commission claimed that these BRAVE protestors were guilty of "Hate Speech", when the ONLY complaint was the sexual grooming and indoctrination of minors at an "All Ages" Halloween Drag Show.

The Human Rights Commission convened to discuss a "Rapid Response" program to deal with any "violent offenders"; whatever THAT means. Instead, they were met with Humboldt Freedom Fighters who stood in unity against the leftist propaganda and its sad attempt to tarnish the reputations of GOOD men and women in Humboldt County, California.

In this video, we provide the evidence and testimony of those who were THERE that day. This ALLOWS you to make up your own mind.

UPDATE: A Humboldt County 'Sister of Perpetual Indulgence' was Arrested for Indecent Exposure and the story has gone VIRAL:

Relative and supporting links:

Mandatory Reporting Information

Human Rights Commission on Hate Crimes

Video credit to Lost Coast Populist for the footage INSIDE the Halloween Pride show.

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