Roy: World War Three has already started in 2020 and Xi has already declared war on everyone

1 year ago

09/12/2023 Roy on Wayne Dupree Podcast: Putin has promised Xi Jinping to lease the whole Siberia to China for 10 to 100 years. Xi has made it very clear that he requires the military not to take the vaccine. At the same time, he's exporting fentanyl and vaccines and virus like to the whole world. World War Three has already started in 2020.
09/12/2023 罗伊做客Wayne Dupree Podcast:普京向习近平承诺将整个西伯利亚租借给中共,租期可能是10到100年。习近平已明确表示,要求军队不能接种疫苗,与此同时,他向全世界输出芬太尼、疫苗和病毒。第三次世界大战早在2020年就已经打响,习已经向所有人宣战。

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