Roy: The Covid-19 attack was written in CCP’s internal Document Number Nine five years ago

1 year ago

09/12/2023 Roy on Wayne Dupree Podcast: The Covid-19 attack on America and the free world was written in CCP’s internal Document Number Nine five years ago, which turned out to be true and so many American people died. And the contents include changing the constitution, Xi would rule China forever, and have extreme censorship and suppression internally on all Chinese people. And also, Xi would lead the world and take down America and confront all the free nations, and build the axis of five tyrannies and control energies and build a firewall.
09/12/2023 罗伊做客Wayne Dupree Podcast:对美国及自由世界发动的这场病毒袭击早在五年前就写入了中共内部的《九号文件》,后来也真的发生了,造成如此多的美国人丧生。这份文件的内容还包括,修宪──习近平将永远统治中国;还有对中国人民实施极端的言论审查和打压;习近平将领导世界、干掉美国,与所有自由世界国家为敌;缔造五个专制国家的轴心国;控制能源和打造网络防火墙。

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