Nicole: This secret plan was initiated not by Putin, not by Kim Jong Un, but by Xi Jinping

1 year ago

09/08/2023 Nicole on The John Fredericks Show: According to the secret plan, North Korea is going to send between 300,000 to 500,000 soldiers to Russia, and in return, they're gonna get food, oil and technology. This plan was initiated not by Putin, not by Kim Jong Un, but by Xi Jinping. This is the reason why prior to Kim Jong Un’s trips to Russia, the CCP has already sent second envoys diplomats to North Korea to discuss it. So this is what's going on behind the scenes.
09/08/2023 妮可做客The John Fredericks Show:根据这项邪恶计划,朝鲜将向俄罗斯派遣30万至50万名士兵,作为回报,朝鲜将获得粮食、石油和技术。这个计划的发起者不是普京或者金正恩,而是习近平。这也是为什么在金正恩即将访问俄罗斯之前,中共已派遣外交特使前往朝鲜商量此事。这就是幕后正在发生的事情。

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