Nicole: CCP, Russia and North Korea can all benefit from their secret plan

1 year ago

09/08/2023 Nicole on The John Fredericks Show: The CCP, Russia, and North Korea can all benefit from their secret plan, which will help Putin with his predicament in the Russian-Ukrainian war, help North Korea get oil, food, and technology to counter America, and help Xi Jinping prepare for the war against Taiwan.
09/08/2023 妮可做客The John Fredericks Show:中共、俄罗斯和朝鲜都能从他们的秘密计划中获益。该计划将帮助普京缓解其在俄乌战争中的困境,帮助朝鲜获得石油、粮食和技术来对抗美国,以及帮助习近平准备其对台战争。

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