1 year ago

We Are Literally Being Slowly Killed By Criminal Gangs Posing As Governments Politicians And Scientist<>0<>
Globalist Elite Mad Scientist Bill Gates Warned The World Of A Impending Terrorist Attack Involving A Synthetic Smallpox In 2017<>—<>
Two New Monkeypox Vaccines Were Developed That Are Dangerous And Causes Serious Infections~Vaccine Sheddings And Death
Which Both Vaccines Were Approved By The FDA That Was Being Planned For A Monkeypox Outbreak—<>—
And Just As The Same Event 201~Simulation Wargame Covid 19 The Year Prior Or As Bill Gates Calls It Germ Game<>0<>
Monkeypox Was First Discovered In 1958 When Two Outbreaks Of A Pox~Liked Disease Occured In Colonies Of Monkeys That Were Kept For Research And Got The Name Monkeypox—<>—
The Monkeys Were Also Injected With Polio Vaccine—<>—
There’s Suspicions About Monkeypox~Chickenpox~Smallpox~Shingles That Are All The Same Virus/ Diseases And There’s No Actual Proof That They’re Different

White Hats Military Arrest Deep Stater Janet Yellen For Treason🧙🚨🧑‍🚀🐝

Investigators from the U.S. Army’s Criminal Investigation Division (CID) on Tuesday arrested Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen at a Maryland hotel, alleging that the Deep State despot had engineered a diabolical scheme that clandestinely sent hundreds of billions of American tax dollars to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, far more than the $75bn the criminal Biden Regime has admitted to giving its felonious collaborator in Ukraine.

A source at CID’s Fort Liberty, NC, field office told Real Raw News that investigators apprehended Yellen and an unnamed associate outside the Merriweather Lakehouse Hotel in Baltimore at approximately 9:30 p.m. Yellen was shown a military arrest warrant charging her with treason and defrauding the United States of America before being shuttled to a processing center for interrogation.

He said Yellen seemed bewildered at the news and did not try to flee or resist. The associate, identified as Yellen’s chauffeur and bodyguard, was jailed as an accessory to Yellen’s crimes.

The White Hats’ investigation into Yellen’s criminality began in October 2022, when Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis Shannon Corless voluntarily surrendered to JAG personnel in Pensacola, Fl, claiming she had helped Yellen conceal financial transactions whereby they unlawfully redistributed tens of millions of Treasury Department dollars to radical left organizations such as ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter. At the time, Corless offered JAG an SD card allegedly holding proof of her claims and potentially more incriminating evidence against Yellen. She said she was unable to access several password-protected files.

The data in those files, JAG would later discover, implicated Yellen in financial crimes that exponentially surpassed the millions of dollars threshold. According to our source, Yellen used handsomely paid minions to funnel Zelenskyy cash while obfuscating her own lawbreaking.

“There are smoking guns there,” our source said. “We can now prove the administration gave Ukraine $50bn four months before Vladimir Putin launched his Special Military Operation in Ukraine, for example. There is no public mention of these disbursements. Each transaction has the same common denominator—Yellen and Treasury. It has taken a long time to catch this one. There’s a few reasons this country has gone bankrupt, and she’s one of them.”

He said Yellen was among the horde of Deep Staters to flee the United States once the regime’s despots suspected their names appeared on sealed indictments, and learned that their avaricious allies were being charged with, convicted of, and executed for high treason.

Fearing arrest, Yellen left the U.S. for Eastern Europe in early November, and the timing somewhat coincided with Corless handing JAG the SD card. Our source said Yellen had made several brief trips back to the U.S. between then and May, but White Hats hadn’t received word until after the fact.

“September 5, we learned that Biden recalled her to the States. I can’t detail how we found out or how we pinpointed her or why she was at a hotel instead of her house—but there are reasons for all of that. We had her under surveillance in Maryland for a week. She’ll be interrogated, and JAG will decide where she goes. Wherever that is, it’s good riddance,” our source said.

August 30/ 2023
Michael Baxter

Urgent: As RRN reported in March 2022, White Hat’s seized FEMA’s Mt. Weather stronghold and control of the Emergency Broadcast System. Mainstream media outlets reported yesterday, however, that FEMA will issue a nationwide test next month. FEMA has built a new EAS. I have known of this for the last two months but was asked not to report on it as White Hats have been attempting to locate the location of their new transmitter. Now that FEMA announced the test, I have been given permissoin to author a piece on it, which I will publish in the next two days. What’s important is this: White Hats have encouraged their own to DISABLE their phones between 2:00 and 3:00 pm EST October 4, as the phones could ping back to FEMA. I know I will be disabling mine, too. What you do is up to you that day.

August 28/ 2023
Pleiadean Contactee Elena Danaan Talk About The Massacre On Maui💔🔥🛰️🐝
And The Undetectable Direct Energy Weapon/Satellites Used By The Dark Military Forces🛰️

Get President Donald J Trump Amazing New Book📗LETTERS TO TRUMP ❤️🇺🇸📝🛍️🛒
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All Profits Will Go To The Legal Defense Fund🇺🇸🗽

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