"John Kerry Should Be In Prison" For His Carbon Credit Climate Scam"

1 year ago

"If the politicians used a carbon credit system they would be in prison tomorrow morning by their own standards"

Tucker Blasts John Kerry for his Carbon Climate Scam, Debunking carbon tax already a Natural occurring reduction proves it's a Pay to play Climate Ponzi-Scheme.

John Kerry wants to reduce carbon but the Earth started with a high carbon atmosphere millions of years ago and now the carbon naturally reduces over time, so Kerry's Climate money laundering and fraud racket of green energy carbon is a total fraud, in 5 years the carbon will already be a lower amount naturally, John Kerry thinks people are idiots and they don't know about natural carbon on earth so he came up with a scheme to charge a tax on carbon and he hopes we don't know the carbon reduces so in 5 years he plans to say "hey look the carbon tax worked" when the earth was Naturally reducing carbon on its own, John Kerry is a fraud a liar and a crook along with all the globalist scum planning on stealing your social security and pension for their "carbon tax" a total scam and fraud on the American people.

Original File:
12/12/22 Tucker Carlson Tonight

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