Catholics vs. Protestants – Biggest Doctrinal Disagreements, With Gavin Ortlund

1 year ago

The Protestant-Catholic divide has long marred the unity of Christ’s mystical body, the Church. And it seems now, at least to human eyes, that reforging what was rent asunder 500 years ago is an unworkable errand, a mere Christian pipe dream. The theological genie is out of the bottle, and by all appearances, it will take no less than an act of God to put him back in. However, this is a bleak resignation, as truth and justice demand that the people of God, those assimilated into Christ’s mystical body through baptism, be in communion with one another, as Christ’s body is in fact one and integral.

While the Catholic Church recognizes that those who are baptized in Protestant communities are, “by Baptism, incorporated in Christ and thus are in a certain communion, albeit imperfect, with the Church,” this is less a source of comfort than it is a call to arms, a call to a true ecumenism that will heal, through force of persuasion bolstered by grace, the wounds that have for too long gashed Christendom. And the stakes couldn’t be higher – precious souls are on the line, as our separated brothers are denied life-altering sacramental grace and the fulness of doctrinal understanding on pivotal issues of faith and morals. Of course, Protestants believe that Catholics have fallen into pitfalls of superstition, idolatry and unsound worship. So ironically one thing that unites faithful Catholics and Protestants is a certain urgency to evangelize their counterparts. To discuss all this, to have a true ecumenical dialogue (i.e., not the relativist-subjectivist bilge of the 60s and 70s), we’re honored to be joined today by Dr. Gavin Ortlund. Dr. Ortlund is a pastor, prolific author, speaker, and apologist for the Christian faith, as well as a husband and father.

Learn more about Gavin Ortlund here:

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