Luke Akehurst shows he’s everything that’s wrong with Starmer’s Labour.

1 year ago

Footage of Labour NEC member Luke Akehurst commenting on Jewish activist Jackie Walker is causing uproar.
Right, so when it comes to well known members of the Labour Party, we tend to think in terms of MP’s, though of course well known can be a bit of a stretch when it comes to a large proportion of the British public. But for those of us who pay a bit more attention, particularly those of us who came from a Corbyn supporting section of the party, we soon got to know the most vicious, and vociferous voices against a transformative government of change, cheerleading the call to return to Red Toryism and having no problem whatsoever in propagating the antisemitism lie, the claim that it was all Corbyn’s fault, despite it being a societal ill, the focus placed on it in the Labour Party despite it’s existence elsewhere all helpfully enabled by a mainstream media utterly wedded to establishment interests and not ours in order to help that agenda along. One such individual who became synonymous with this push was then former, now sadly again current Labour NEC member Luke Akehurst, a guy who, despite repeatedly failing to get back on the NEC under Corbyn, mysteriously came top of the polls all of a sudden under Starmer, made all the more mysterious when even his own local constituency party in Oxford wouldn’t back him for the job. You can’t help but wonder whether Starmer in his Zionist without qualification attitude helped things along for Akehurst in some way, obviously this is just my own musings on the subject, but given Akehurst is director of Israel promotion body We Believe in Israel which is funded by BICOM, the British Israel Communications and Research Centre, which is itself funded rather opaquely via private donations and has strong links to the Israeli state, which given it’s treatment of Palestinians, is an apartheid state. Akehurst is not Jewish, but he is a Zionist and he has been a key player in the attacks on the Labour Party under Corbyn over antisemitism. He works to promote Israeli interests and he sits at Labour’s top table once again now. But a piece of video footage came out and rapidly spread around social media of Akehurst making what some are calling inappropriate and others have referred to as antisemitic, misogynistic and even white supremacist. This is what he said: ‘Jackie has mixed antecedence, so Jewish on one side and Caribbean on the other side and I can only interpret her remarks as playing out an inner conflict where she kind of feels very uncomfortable about the two parts of her heritage, rather than celebrating both of them.’
This is in reference to Jackie Walker, a black Jewish woman, left wing activist, writer and presenter on Red Line TV as well as making weekly appearances on Sunday mornings Not the Andrew Marr Show doing the news review, which I’ve had the privilege of doing with her a couple of times myself.


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