American Maoism | James Lindsay

1 year ago

With Liberty & Justice For All, Session 6

It's truly essential to grasp that the Left operates according to a strategy they call "dialectical political warfare." This dialectical approach is the very backbone of their operations, and it revolves around the fusion of truths with falsehoods. When we delve into history, we encounter none other than Mao Zedong, the Communist dictator of China until his passing in 1976, who stands out as the supreme tactician of dialectical political warfare. His tactics and the upheaval of the cultural revolution serve as vivid examples of the formidable and destructive potential of this approach. What's unsettling is that we're witnessing echoes of this right here in America and across the Western world today. While Mao touted "Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics" in China, the contemporary "Woke" and environmental "Sustainability" movements can be understood as "Maoist Marxism with American Characteristics." In this lecture by James Lindsay of New Discourses, the parallels between our current circumstances and the strategies employed in Mao's China become starkly evident, leading us to the inescapable conclusion that we are currently in the midst of nothing less than American Maoism.

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