382 years of large or high capacity magazines & 127 years of box magazines only for the bad guys?

1 year ago

1641 Peter Kalthoff's rifle promised a 29 ball magazine & separate powder mag
1642 based on Kalthoff's patent Hendrick Bartmans rifle fired 30 shots so by
1646 Peter Kalthoff's "FIRST" rifle had a 30 ball mag & separate powder mag & then the
1650 Lorenzoni repeater became a thing by 1690

1722 as most Americans had single shots John Pim made an 11-shot repeater
1791 when a 2nd Amendment was law 30 round guns wer 150 years old

1821 Isaiah Jennings flint lock was a 15 shot repeater
1837 revolvers & pepperbox handguns existed in 8 shot & a few 11+ shots

1848 Volcanic lever action 31 caliber caseless 30-round tube mag rifle
1860 Civil War Henry .44 caliber rimfire Rifle had a 16 round tube mag
1866 Winchester Lever-Action Rifle .44 rimfire had a 15 round tube mag

1884 smokeless powders made auto reloaders feasible & then
1888 The Lee enfield 30 caliber rifle 10 round had the first box mag
1893 Borchardt made the first autoloading pistol with a mag in the grip

1896 Mauser C96 "Broomhandle" 30 cailiber pistol 20 round box mag
1905 Remington Model 8, 30 caliber rifle 15-round tube mag
1914 Browning 22 Short Semi-Auto rifle 15 round box mag
192? Spanish handguns had 11+ round magazines for sale standard !

1927 Michigan banned a 16+ round capacity for a while
1927 Rhode Island bans 13+ round capacity for a while
1932 washington dc ban 12+ round capacity for a while

1935 Browning Hi-Power 9 mm pistol 13 round box mag

1990 New Jersey bans a 15+ round capacity

1994 when the 10 + round large/high capacity magazine turned 98 years
old the assault weapons ban (AWB) Public Safety & Recreational Fire
arms Use Protection Act banned civilian 10+ round magazines till 2004

2023 after 127 years of box magazines & 382 years of large/high capacity mags

not all shots will hit an attacker & only some can incapacitate & even fewer do so immediately & when the gun is out of ammo, the user is disarmed until its reloaded & you being armed or unarmed does not affect police response to a cell phone call & American law enforcement typically have 15 round handguns & 20 round rifles as most modern guns rely on box mags, do civilian 10+ round mags cause or worsen mass shootings & does a 2nd Amendment right include the firearm being usable & does saying High-capacity magazines are designed for high capacity killing sound like a sensible argument or a taunt

do states’ rights to regulate firearms violate federal constitutional rights ?

The Supreme Court has held that Second Amendment protects
an individual right to self-defense inside & outside of the home.

large capacity magazines are not commonly used for self-defense & not
protected by the 2nd Amendment said Karin Immergut a District Judge

ONLY after you are arrested & have a record can you use an “affirmative defense” to try to prove your legal & since box magazines have no serial numbers, time & dated photos & receipts are meaningless

most existing tube fed shotguns can hold more than 10 minishells & many box magazines have a detachable base-plate or cap & "may be" made to fit the definition of an Large Capacity Magazines since some could label them as readily capable of being adapted to hold more than 10 rounds

making it a crime for individuals to possess previously lawfully property = 14th Amendment vs 2nd Amendment ?


https://youtu.be/J_hnC6x036Q Lorenzoni
https://youtu.be/Bw0VCXuNIps Volcanic
https://youtu.be/4XlKCIh2Afo Volcanic
https://youtu.be/0Dn9YK8HfH4 Volcanic

archive today /JU8Q7 , /0y47 , /9FUCg = like most citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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