poor Chief Handler despise DARPA CIA FBI NSA PREDATOR Criminal Illuminati Gangstalker 2 party system

1 year ago

bunch of corrupt politicians on both sides of the aisle, you can buy into the old two party thing,all you want, while everyone is watching this attempted global take over, neither side will save this country, until we vow for a brand new republic with a rule of law, nothing will change, except the inflation, and the planned take out of the physical US dollar. Sticking up for Joe or his buddy Donald is pure evil, both sides of the same coin,

FAKE DARPA CIA FBI NSA connected military falmily Chief Handler PREDATOR
Criminal Illuminati Gangstalker blank youtube channel since 2022/01/26

= most citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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fear, ignorance & anger are the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse, don't be #4!


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