The Pilgrim Society and World War I

1 year ago

Britain was on the brink of starvation.

If this crisis continued, England might be forced to capitulate.

This would lead to the surrender of Britain’s continental allies, leaving Germany in control of Europe.

This would shatter the International Bankers’ hold on Europe, a catastrophic outcome for the Global Plotters.

In response, the Pilgrim Society was formed.

This ultra-secret organization, funded by the Rhodes Foundation, aimed to promote unity between Britain and the United States.

Their goal was to maneuver the United States into dependence on the Crown and erode the foundations of the American Republic.

Through the Pilgrim Society, the International Bankers gained control of the Democratic Party.

This pact was made in utmost secrecy.

Congressman Charles A. Towne, sensing the hidden agenda, warned that these secret agreements could lead to "the most colossal and destructive war of modern times". Charles A. Towne

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