These 11 Relaxing Activities Will Refresh & Recharge Your Mind, Body and Spirit

1 year ago

On average, how many relaxing activities would you say you do each week?
If you find yourself feeling drained at the end of your day, you may need to prioritize some refresh and recharge time.
Running on empty can certainly catch up to you eventually – physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Life has its busy times, for sure. However, if you’ll take just a bit of time regularly to relax, you’ll just feel better. You’ll be more eager to face your days, rather than dread them. And, you’ll have more to give those you care about.
"You can't pour from an empty cup."
You've probably heard this saying - and for good reason! It means exactly what it sounds like - when you have nothing left in your tank, you have nothing left to give, whether to yourself or to others.
Self-care (Or refilling your cup) doesn't have to be difficult, or take a lot of time from your already busy days. But even adding a few relaxing activities into your day or week can make a huge difference to your overall energy and stress levels.
While you engage in these relaxing activities, from something as simple as taking a bath, using aromatherapy and going to bed early, take some time to check in with yourself. How do you feel, generally? What do you need? What is weighing on you, what do you feel proud of?

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