1 year ago

Recording artist by the name, "FAMOUS SINGER", gives you a new song talking about DANGERS all people everywhere currently face!!! See / hear his song, "Very Strange" !!!


(Writer of freedom songs. Famous is his first name. Singer is his last name)

A man who is a professional entertainer, who receives standing ovations from audiences for his performances in a classic tuxedo singing Frank Sinatra standards, and who abandons all of that only to write and sing new original songs that warn all people of all societies around the world that imminent dangers are upon us, and who, as outlandish as it may sound, sings about extinction of humanity threats we all face, has to be called a bold modern-day global troubadour.
It is appropriate to consider this singer-songwriter one of the most relevant of artists on the planet during this speed of light fast - changing times.

“Famous Singer” is the gringo originally from New York City and Hollywood, California, who has quite a following by music fans of Cuenca, Ecuador.

He has performed with his musicians at The Los Balcones Hotel located on Presidente Borrero.

Famous Singer also had strummed his guitar and sang for The United States Embassy to Ecuador at a formal reception – party delighting Azuay’s finest citizens at the Oro Verde Hotel in the city of Cuenca. And, very recently, Famous Singer sang his dynamic new freedom songs live on stage at Yakumama Hostel with Cuenca symphony orchestral musicians' accompaniment!

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